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SCRF Monthly WebEx Meeting March 9, 2011 1.Report from PMs (15 min.) 1.Acknowledgements for completing S1-Global cold/RF test (A. Y.) 2.GDE meeting plan.

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Presentation on theme: "SCRF Monthly WebEx Meeting March 9, 2011 1.Report from PMs (15 min.) 1.Acknowledgements for completing S1-Global cold/RF test (A. Y.) 2.GDE meeting plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCRF Monthly WebEx Meeting March 9, 2011 1.Report from PMs (15 min.) 1.Acknowledgements for completing S1-Global cold/RF test (A. Y.) 2.GDE meeting plan in 2011 (A.Y., M. R.) 3.Progress in PMs visiting industrial partners (A. Y.) 4.Status of TDP Interim Report (N. W.) 5.General preparation for ALCPG (M. R.) 6.Effort for SCRF-TA organization update (A. Y.) 2.Report from TA Group Leaders 1.Cavity Gradient R&D: R. Geng 2.Cavity Integration: H. Hayano 3.Cryomodule: N. Ohuchi (- >> P. Pierini since ALCPG)) 4.Cryogenics:T. Peterson 5.HLRF:S. Fukuda & C. Nantista 6.ML Integration:C. Adolphsen 3.Special Discussions(30 min.) 1.Preparation for ALCPG Parallel Session: H. Hayano, C. Nantista, and C. Pagani 2.Preparation for ILC-PAC, May 2011: A. Yamamoto SCRF 09 March 20111SERF WebEx Meeting

2 Schedule related to SCRF Jan. 18 -21:BAW2 at SLAC Feb. 8,9, 18:Visits to Asian SCRF C/C industry Feb. 9, :SCRF WebEX meeting, Feb. 28 – Mar. 3: TTC at INFN/Milano March 3, 4 :Visits to EC SCRF C/C industry March 9: SCRF WebEx meeting March 14-17:Visits to AMs SCRF C/C industry March 19 – 23:GDE/ALCPG, Univ. Oregon, Eugene, May 18 – 20: ILC-PAC, Taipei, China SCRF 09 March 2011SERF WebEx Meeting2

3 Plan for Visiting Vendor N o. DateCompanyMeeting PlaceTechnical sbjectNotes 12/8HitachiHitachi / TokyoCavity & Cryomodule 22/8ToshibaToshiba / TokyoCavity & Cryomodule 32/9MHIMHI / KobeCavity & Cryomodule 42/9Tokyo DenkaiTD / TokyoNb, NbTi Material 52/18NingXia, OTICOTIC / NingXiaNb, NbTi, Ti Material 63/3ZanonINFN / MilanoCavity & Cryomodule 73/4RIRI, KoelnCavity & Cryomodule 124/27Heraeus/PlanseeEUNb, NB-Ti Material 83/14AESAES,Cavitu & Cryomodule 93/15Niowave Cavity & Cryomodule 103/16PAVAC Cavity & Cryomodule 113/17Wah-ChangIn OregonNb, Nb-Ti material SCRF 09 March 2011SERF WebEx Meeting3 GDE members: PMs, and RDs / Cost-experts / Experts from Lab (shared regionally)

4 Integration of the Information through Communication with Industry (added, 2011-3-3) 1 st cycle (by April 2011): – GDE visits industrial partners to explain ‘request of information’, in Feb. ~ April, 2011 – GDE expects responses from industrial partners, by the end of April, 2011 2 nd cycle (by July 2011): – GDE individually communicate with the industrial partner, and propose some ways of cost-effective approaches, – GDE expect their responses and evaluation, 3 rd cycle (by November 2011): – GDE scopes the cost estimate up date. SCRF 09 March 2011SERF WebEx Meeting4

5 TDP Interim Report Distributed to ILCSC, 17 February ~ All chapters submitted to ILC Communicators to be published by ALCPG, March, 2011 Thanks for your cooperation and contribution. SCRF 09 March 2011 SERF WebEx Meeting 5

6 ALCPG – 2011: Preparation for the TDR New cost estimate and plan for the production of SCRF components and New cost estimate for conventional facilities. R&D aimed at cost-reduction - highlight of ALCPG11 agenda. also include a plan and a cost estimate for the energy upgrade to 1 TeV E_cm. – two special plenary sessions to discuss the energy upgrade strategy. one of the two annual GDE meetings to be joint with CLIC other (e.g. ALCPG11), just GDE emphasize ILC-specific aspects of linear collider design, especially SCRF, at GDE meeting. The next GDE plenary meeting, LCWS11, to be held jointly with the CLIC Study annual meeting, will be in late September 2011 in Granada, Spain. SCRF 09 March 2011 SERF WebEx Meeting 6

7 ALCPG11 – GDE Agenda Saturday 19 Mar.SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday 8.30Joint Plenary GDE Overview – Barry(40) Detector Overview – TBA (40) Communicators (10) Parallel sessions - Cavity R&D (1) Parallel Sessions - Cryomodule Parallel Sessions -Cryomodule Test -S1-Gobal GDE Plenary WG summaries 10.00Break 10.30Joint Plenary Physics talk: TBA (45) LHC experimental program –machine & detectors: TBA (45) Parallel Sessions - Cavity R&D (2) Parallel Sessions - Cavity Industrialization Parallel Sessions Cryomodule Test (S1-G, FNAL, XFEL) Joint Plenary GDE summary TBA WWS summary TBA 12.00Lunch – END 13.30GDE Plenary CLIC status TBA – 30 Baseline talk – TBA (30) GDE R&D program status TBA – 45+15 Parallel Sessions - HLRF R&D Joint Plenary I Tev Upgrade: TBA Parallel Sessions FLASH 9 mA Test 15.30Break 16.00GDE Plenary TDR Organisatiion TBA - 90 GDE Plenary – SRF for 1-TeV L. Cooly, K. Saito, R. Geng C. Adolphsen Leave in buses for the Winery Parallel Sessions TDR Work Share -Cavity Gradient -Cavity Integratation -Cryomodule -Cryogenics -HLRF -ML Integration Slide 7 SCRF 09 March 2011SERF WebEx Meeting

8 ALCPG Parallel session goals: 1) Review and discuss ongoing R&D to understand how it is to be included in the TDR. Special focus should be given to those changes which could substantially impact system interfaces and/or project cost. 2) Evaluate the potential of R&D on alternates and upgrades to be carried out after the TD phase. This fits well with the emphasis on the 1 TeV upgrade and cost containment. 3) Develop a schedule for the next 12 months that leads to the start of the actual writing and editing of the TDR and allows the collection of key supporting documents. Slide 8 SCRF 09 March 2011SERF WebEx Meeting

9 ILC-PAC, Taipei, May, 2011 SCRF TA report required: – SCRF Cavity and System R&D Cavity Gradient : Rongli Geng Cavity Integration and Test: Hitoshi Hayano – SCRF Industrialization Progress in visiting Companies: Akira Yamamoto Cost estimate update Further plan SCRF 09 March 2011SERF WebEx Meeting9

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