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Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Empowering local government through “Single Window Service” in East Java and Maluku Province-Indonesia.

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1 Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Empowering local government through “Single Window Service” in East Java and Maluku Province-Indonesia Siem Reap-Cambodia, 29 May 2013 Tauvik Muhamad & Ratnawati Muyanto ILO Indonesia

2 Presentation Outline:  Facts and figures  Current conditions of employment and social protection  Challenges and Opportunities  Single Window Service in East Java and Maluku Province:  Current programme  Challenges  Finding,  Conclusion, recommendation and the way forward

3 Population: 244,750,000 (2012) 17,508 islands, about 6,000 of which are inhabited. GDP/ capita:USD 3,469 (2012) Poverty line: 43.3% (PPP USD 2/per day) Unemployment rate: 6.14% (2012) Informality: 53% (2012) GINI Coefficient: 0.32 (1996) to 0.41 (2011) Inequality and vulnerability- Rural poverty East Java: estimated 37,476,000 (2010). USD 1.852.01 (2008) Maluku: 1,531,402 (2010). USD 524.65 (GRP/ capita) Key figures and facts East Java Maluku Jakarta

4 Population Level of protection Formal sector employees (JAMSOSTEK) Civil servants (ASKES, ASABRI, TASPEN) Jampersal Jamsostek LHK- Askesos KUR, PNPM Jamkesmas/Jamkesda PKH/PKSA/BOS/Scholarships JSPACA, JSLU Poor Rest of informal sectorFormal sector The social protection situation in Indonesia Scattered programs for the poor Not much for non- poor informal sector Relatively comprehensive social security for formal sector workers Indonesia adopted universal coverage for health insurance scheme

5 Challenges (Due to a long experience of centralized government) Decentralized government  lacking coordination and local capacity (HRD and Fiscal); 3 Outreach-> National policy has adopted universal coverage for health insurance and employment schemes, but how to ensure all citizens are covered? 2 Regional economic disparities  poverty, informality, unemployment and under-employment. 4 Centralized -> single command; economic scale  distribution issues, lack of ownership, unmatched needs (including social and employment services); Decentralized  capacity, local elite capture, better access, information on the programme; 1 5

6 Supporting the implementation of the SWS of Provincial Strategy of East Java and Maluku Overall objective Increasing outreach, facilitation, coordination of social protection of relevant stakeholders at provincial level through the creation of synergies and linkages SWS Pilot Project in Indonesia Immediate objective Implementation of SWS linking social protection and job creation, targeting mainly vulnerable groups, in East Java and Maluku Institutional arrangement Management Information System Development of generic tools, methods and research Infrastructure and capacity building of the SWS Monitoring and Evaluation Special attention to the vulnerable groups: PLWHIV, disabled persons, women and informal workers

7 CCTs Health (Jamkesmas) Public Employment Programmes Families Children, Working age, Elderly & Disabled Social workers & Advisors -Information on programs -Vulnerability & skills assessment -Registration under the different programs & facilitating use of the services… -Delivery of membership cards… Case management Channeling social protection & employment services SINGLE WINDOW SERVICE TVET Job centers ES Scholarships, school feeding, re- entry programs… Support to M-E creation Enhancing coordination and impact

8 Linkage between Social Protection and Job Creation : Virtuous Cycle Unemployed/ Under employed Social Protection Floor - Basic Services -Social Assistance Labour market policies - Employment Service - Vocational Training + Value Added Tax (VAT) Tax/ Social Contribution Premium Redistribution & Financing social service Decent Work in Formal Economy Employability Higher level of social protection

9 SWS Province of East Java (1/2) Existing ConditionChallenges Estimated 3.7 % of poor people do not have any health insurance at all (TKPK, 2011) To bring near-poor groups into social security schemes and to identify near-poor groups Askesos (Social Insurance for the poor scheme) is available in only 20 out of 38 districts To expand coverage to a wider community The number of poor people tends to be lower, but increase of open unemployment status Need to establish a better employment service due to East Java’s significant economic growth On-line demograhic information system from village to district office (in Malang District) To utilize and expand it for use with newly established health social security programme (universal coverage). Surveillence Epidemic System Based on Community (in Malang District) To expand collection of information regarding to disability status, health status, vulnerable group, etc Administration Acceleration Service Delivery Scheme at Sub-District Level To provide more service delivery including social security registration, program information,etc

10 Province of East Java (2/2) Existing ConditionChallenges Politicizing social assistance-many social assistance programmes announced during local elections period To integrate them into more comprehensive poverty alleviation programs Each village has produced competitive economic product under the sub-district framework (in Malang) To formalize economic activity so employees participate in social security schemes Low quality of health service for HIV-AIDSTo set-up social security scheme for the poor HIV-AIDS at health centers Coordination Team for Poverty Alleviation Programme is in place but is not functioning well To have more specific outcomes and outputs of job description There is segmented targetted programs for particular poor status groups Needs to be expanded to other offices not only by Office of Social Welfare (poor) and Agency of Community Empowerment (nearly poor)



13 Province of Maluku (1/2) Existing ConditionChallenges Around 6.95 % of poor people do not have any health insurance at all (CBS Maluku, 2008) To reach out nearly-poor group into social security schemes. Irregular and scattered social assistance programmes across districts To integrate programs under a comprehensive poverty alleviation action plan Only 50% of formal employees active participants in Jamsostek; there are 3,002 registered informal workers participanting (vegetable street vendor, fisherman, motorbike service) -To facilitate an active registering procedure - To identify the economic activity of informal workers No updated data available for targetting programmes. Ex: Jamkesmas (Health for the poor scheme) program in Maluku is still using CBS 2008 for targetting in 2012. To set-up data consolidation between related technical offices On-line employment service- Low internet accessbility - Bad infrastructure - No significant economic activity Relatively good health facility at Ambon Island BUT not on other islands To provide more equal quality of health care and facilities across islands

14 Province of Maluku (2/2) Existing ConditionChallenges Double-trippled ownership of public health insurance card -To set-up integrated system for registration - To promote active registration - To identify the targetted using the right information Demographic information (e-ID Card) is available online for official needs. To expand information on current database regarding to health status, disability status, family condition, etc. Coordination Team is in place but not function well To have more specific outcome and output of job description Low fiscal capacity at most districtsTo have better designed of poverty alleviation programs and fiscal decentralization scheme

15 Findings Registering people in the SWS does necessary solve problems; there are still supply side issues (health and education, employment) and low local fiscal capacity Portability is needed for migrant workers in the sending area where the SWS located; There role of local government in implementing universal coverage of national social security system is not clear; Verification of population data is needed to reach beneficiaries at local level that the SWS may assist; There is no standardized employment or social services at local level across the country; Information on social assistance programmes / schemes for vulnerable groups e.g. PLHIV, disabled persons - could be shared through the SWS; The SWS would help in registering new membership for health and Employment Insurance schemes and link them to employment services to provide better services for community;

16 Conclusion, Recommendations and Ways Forward Single Window Service of Social Protection a good exercise/ modality for building capacity of local government and coordinating mechanisms to expand social and employment services coverage to local stakeholders and to expand programmes and services (supply side); “Not reinventing the new wheel”– build and expand from the initial good local initiatives to establish more integrated and comprehensive methods; The information from the SWS may be utilized by monitoring tools for further development; For scaling up and further replication, the model of “single window service” has to be cost effective (this would reduce dependency from national budget) although in transition period, it is necessary for national government to co-share financing.

17 Thank you

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