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Progressivism. What is Progressivism? Range of economic, social, political and moral reforms Gained support from the urban college educated middle class.

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Presentation on theme: "Progressivism. What is Progressivism? Range of economic, social, political and moral reforms Gained support from the urban college educated middle class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressivism

2 What is Progressivism? Range of economic, social, political and moral reforms Gained support from the urban college educated middle class Helped pass four “progressive” amendments to the constitution:  Authorization of income tax  Direct election of senators  Voting for women  Prohibition of manufacturing and selling alcoholic beverages

3 Focus of the Muckrakers Child Labor Corruption in city governments Lynching “Big Business” practices Wanted to expand high schools Get rid of red-light districts Improve wages for women Factory regulations

4 History of Prohibition Prohibition was designed to eliminate the businesses that were manufacturing, distributing, and selling alcoholic beverages 18 th amendment took away license from brewers, distillers, vintners, wholesale/retail sellers of alcohol Did not like the growth of drinking culture that was forming and spreading in the United States

5 Anti-Saloon League: 1893 in Chicago  Believed American society was on a decline; losing touch with religious values  Wanted to eliminate bars, taverns, and saloons  Declined: disagreement between enforcing amendment or teaching children of evils of alcohol Women’s Christian Temperance Union  Concerned about “destructive power of alcohol”  Met in churches to pray then marched to saloons  Also known as the Women’s Crusades  Definition of Temperance: moderation in all things healthful; total abstinence from all things harmful. Prohibition Party: 1869  Gained most support from rural and small town Protestant Evangelical church members

6 Political Machines in the U.S. Political Machine: party organization headed by a single boss that acquires enough votes to maintain political and administrative control of a city, county, or state City governments were not prepared to support the growing cities (from immigration and industrialization) Political machines stepped in and offered support in the form of housing and employment

7 Tammany Hall: Democratic Political Machine in New York Had an 80 year influence on New York City politics History of Tammany Hall  Tammany Society organized in 1789  Was a fraternal organization specializing in social activities  Rose to political power after the election of Andrew Jackson  Gained loyalty from immigrants Employment and housing Citizenship allowing them to vote for Tammany candidates

8 The Reign of Boss Tweed Tweed was overcharging the city for public works projects and supplies  Broom= $41,190  Thermometer= $7,500 Thomas Nast began campaign to expose the corruption Harper Brothers lost contract to provide school books for NYC Arrested:  Found guilty of corruption  Sent to jail for 12 years  Is estimated to have made $200,000,000  Used money to escape from prison; fled to Cuba then Spain  Caught in Spain, extradited back to U.S. & died in prison

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