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 Please take a moment and give a CONCRETE example (not a vague definition) of the 6 principles of the Constitution  LIMITED GOVERNMENT POWER  SEPARATION.

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Presentation on theme: " Please take a moment and give a CONCRETE example (not a vague definition) of the 6 principles of the Constitution  LIMITED GOVERNMENT POWER  SEPARATION."— Presentation transcript:

1  Please take a moment and give a CONCRETE example (not a vague definition) of the 6 principles of the Constitution  LIMITED GOVERNMENT POWER  SEPARATION OF POWERS  CHECKS AND BALANCES  FEDERALISM  FLEXIBILITY  POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY


3  OBJECTIVES:  Identify the key INDIVIDUAL rights that are established by the Bill of Rights

4  Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, petition http://www.wash news/2011/mar/2 /supreme-court- oks-church- protest-military- funerals/?page=all

5  Right to bear arms

6  Government can’t use private homes as military quarters

7  No unreasonable search and seizure 

8  An owner of a bar was sentenced to life for intent to distribute over 5 kilos of cocaine. He appealed because some of the evidence was obtained by the FBI attaching a GPS device to his car for 28 days.  Was his 4 th Amendment rights violated?  lice-use-of-gps-is-ruled- unconstitutional.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 lice-use-of-gps-is-ruled- unconstitutional.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

9  Gov’t needs an indictment of a Grand Jury-  12 to 23 citizens who decide if there is enough evidence to go to trial  Double Jeopardy- Accused may not be tried twice for same crime  Accused does not have to testify  “pleading the fifth”  Due process- same fair rules in all cases  Eminent domain- Gov’t can take your property, but must pay you

10  A town in Connecticutt used eminent domain to take residential homes in order to set up a shopping mall. dyn/content/article/2005/06/23/AR2005062300783_pf.html

11  Right to a JURY trial in criminal cases  Right to a lawyer to defend you

12  Trial by jury in lawsuits over money or property over $20

13  Judges cannot  Order excessive bail  Impose cruel and unusual punishment Cruel and unusual?

14  Government can’t claim that these are your ONLY rights  Part of Roe v. Wade  Woman’s right to “privacy”

15  Any powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution are delegated to the states  “FEDERALISM”  Medical marijuana in California…

16  2 Bill of Rights sheets (slides and actual wording)  Unit 2 Summary


18 Jimmy was arrested for stealing a pack of gum. When he went to be arraigned, the judge threw him in jail and set his bail at $1.2 million.

19  Judges cannot  Order excessive bail  Impose cruel and unusual punishment Cruel and unusual?

20 Violence in our society is getting to the point where some people are urging Congress to ban civilians from owning guns. Congress passes such a law.

21  Right to bear arms en&start=12&um=1&tbnid=ORKv3YpTLdIwTM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=118&prev en&start=12&um=1&tbnid=ORKv3YpTLdIwTM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=118&prev= Is there a limit?

22 Kim is accused of murdering Victor. At Kim’s trial, the jury found her “not guilty” because of a lack of conclusive evidence. Three months later, new DNA evidence proves that Kim was Victor’s killer. She is re-tried, convicted, and thrown in jail for life.

23  Double Jeopardy- Accused may not be tried twice for same crime  Accused does not have to testify  “pleading the fifth”  Due process- same fair rules in all cases  Eminent domain- Gov’t can take your property, but must pay you dyn/content/article/2005/06/23/AR2005062300783_pf.html

24 Jill carelessly her pail on top of Jack’s hill. Jack fell down and broke his crown, and sued Jill for $1000. The whole thing was caught on tape, so the judge decided to reward Jack the $1000 without wasting the time and money of a jury trial.

25  Trial by jury in lawsuits over money or property over $20

26 The Federal government wants to build an interstate highway through your yard. Federal agents come to your house while you’re not home, pack up your stuff and knock the house down. They never pay you for the house or your property.

27  Double Jeopardy- Accused may not be tried twice for same crime  Accused does not have to testify  “pleading the fifth”  Due process- same fair rules in all cases  Eminent domain- Gov’t can take your property, but must pay you dyn/content/article/2005/06/23/AR2005062300783_pf.html

28 After Michael Vick was arrested for his involvement in a dog fighting ring, the courts sentence him to be covered in steaks and thrown into a cage with angry, hungry pit bulls for one hour as part of his punishment.

29  Judges cannot  Order excessive bail  Impose cruel and unusual punishment Cruel and unusual?

30 President Obama is sick and tired of being made fun of in the newspapers. So he gets Congress to pass a law making it illegal to make fun of politicians in the newspaper.

31  Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, petition http://ww ala/oif/firs tamendme nt/courtca ses/courtca ses.htm#fe s 1-Should a person be permitted to say anything at all about the government during wartime? 2-Should a newspaper that has received copies of secret government documents be allowed to publish them? 3-Should a group known for its anti-American statements be permitted to hold a rally?

32 The Federal government has decided to save some money by closing military bases and barracks. President Obama calls you and says that two soldiers are going to be staying with your family for a while, even though you don’t want them there.

33  Government can’t use private homes as military quarters

34 Joe accuses Frank of stealing his autographed Paris Hilton poster. Joe goes to the police and tells them all about it. The police get a warrant from a judge to search Frank’s house but find nothing there. They decided to check Frank’s grandmother’s house next door and find it there. They arrest Joe.

35  Government officials cannot search property without a warrant

36 The state of Massachusetts has given gay couples the right to marry. The majority of Congress doesn’t agree with gay marriage and they pass a law making it illegal.

37  Any powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution are delegated to the states  “FEDERALISM”  Medical marijuana in California… 05/discussion.cgi.45.html

38  Timmy arrested for stealing an Ipod. He asks for an attorney, and the police tell him there won’t be one available until tomorrow, and he is legally obligated to answer some questions about the incident. Timmy admits to the crime an hour later. This admission of guilt is the key evidence in convicting Timmy of robbery.

39  Right to a lawyer to defend you  Accused does not have to testify  “pleading the fifth”

40  While on trial for causing $7000 to a hotel room, Charlie Sheen is asked to describe what happened. He replies, “My tiger blood tells me not to answer that.” The judge demands he answer the question…

41  Double Jeopardy- Accused may not be tried twice for same crime  Accused does not have to testify  “pleading the fifth”  Due process- same fair rules in all cases  Eminent domain- Gov’t can take your property, but must pay you dyn/content/article/2005/06/23/AR2005062300783_pf.html

42  1 st Amdmt: Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition  2 nd Amdmt: Right to Bear Arms  3 rd Amdmt: Soldiers Quartered in homes  4 th : Gov’t needs a search warrant  5 th : rights of accused criminals (Due process)  6 th : rights of accused criminals  7 th : rights in civil trials  8 th : rights of accused and convicted criminals  9 th : there are more rights not listed  10 th : any powers not included in const. are given to states

43  Explain why the Bill of Rights were added to the Constitutionmin 1791  Identify the key INDIVIDUAL rights that are established by the Bill of Rights  Explain why these rights need to be protected

44  1-Should the government assist religious schools with money to buy textbooks?  2-Should a person be permitted to say anything at all about the government during wartime?  3-Should a newspaper that has received copies of secret government documents be allowed to publish them?  4-Should a group known for its anti-American statements be permitted to hold a rally?

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