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Language Arts a.k.a. English Ms. Nermin Amin. What we do here ORB Writing & Grammar Reading and Vocabulary Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Arts a.k.a. English Ms. Nermin Amin. What we do here ORB Writing & Grammar Reading and Vocabulary Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Arts a.k.a. English Ms. Nermin Amin

2 What we do here ORB Writing & Grammar Reading and Vocabulary Presentations

3 ORB (Outside Reading Book) A book of your child’s choosing Age appropriate Genres should vary Reading logs (comments, reading time, pages read)

4 Writing & Grammar Daily Language (D.L.) two sentences on the board Helps with editing and awareness of basic errors. Reinforces learning Grammar Basic grammar is taught in addition to inductive learning through writing Write Traits (6 Traits of Effective Writing) Focus on Ideas & Organization If there’s time: Word choice Always include: Conventions!

5 Reading and Vocabulary Literature What: Novels, poetry, short stories How: As a class In literature circles Individually (ORB) 8day cycle Vocabulary 10 new words each cycle Learning words through their parts

6 In addition ORB presentations Creative Writing Persuasive writing Descriptive writing Journaling Peer Editing

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