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CCIN2P3 Site Report - BNL, Oct 18, 2004 1 CCIN2P3 Site report Wojciech A. Wojcik IN2P3 Computing Center.

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Presentation on theme: "CCIN2P3 Site Report - BNL, Oct 18, 2004 1 CCIN2P3 Site report Wojciech A. Wojcik IN2P3 Computing Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 1 CCIN2P3 Site report Wojciech A. Wojcik IN2P3 Computing Center

2 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 2 Services  CPU  Networking  Data storage and access  Data bases  E-mail  WEB  Electronic Documents Managment (EDMS) and CAD  LDAP (OpenLDAP)  MCU  Win2000 domain service

3 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 3 Supported platforms  Supported platforms: Linux RedHat 7.2  SL3 Solaris 2.8  Solaris 2.9 AIX 5.1

4 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 4 Disk space  Need to make the disk storage independent of the operating system.  Disk servers based on: A3500 from Sun with 3.5 TB ESS-F20 from IBM with 21.4 TB ESS from IBM with 5.9 TB 9960 from Hitachi with 18 TB FAST900 from IBM with 32 TB (not yet in prod)

5 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 5 Mass storage  Supported medias (all in the STK robots): DLT4000/7000 9840 (Eagles)  9940 (200 GB)  HPSS – local developments: Interface with RFIO: – API: C, Fortran (via cfio) – API: C++ (iostream) (for g++ and KCC) bbftp – secure parallel ftp using RFIO interface Interface with SRB

6 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 6 Mass storage  HPSS $HPSS_SERVER:/hpss/…  HPSS – usage: 645 TB (123 TB in May 2002, 60 TB in Oct 2001). BaBar – 245 TB AUGER – 40 TB EROS II – 32 TB D0 – 110 TB Virgo – 13 TB Other experiments: ATLAS, SNovae, DELPHI, ALICE, PHENIX, CMS

7 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 7 Networking - LAN  Fast Ethernet (100 Mb full duplex) --> to interactive and batch services  Giga Ethernet (1 Gb full duplex) --> to disk servers and Objectivity/DB servers

8 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 8 Networking - WAN  Academic public network “Renater 3”. Backbone 2.5 Gb Access USA 2 * 2.5 Gb CCIN2P3 access 1 Gb Tests give 400 Mb to SLAC 800 Mb to CERN

9 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 9 BAHIA - interactive front-end Based on multi-processors:  Linux (RH72, RH73, SL3 ) -> 16 dual PentiumIII1GHz  Solaris 2.8 -> 2 Ultra-4/E450  AIX 5.1 -> 2 F40

10 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 10 Batch system - configuration Batch based on BQS (developed at CCIN2P3)  Linux (RH72) -> 652 cpu (PIII)  Linux (RH73/LCG) -> 100 cpu (PIII)  Linux (SL3) -> 68 cpu (PIV)  Solaris 2.8 -> 38 cpu (Ultra60)  AIX 4.3.2 -> 18 cpu (43P-B50)

11 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 11 Support for big experiments  BaBar Objectivity/DB servers (v.7.1 on Solaris 2.8 and 2.9) – 2 on 440, 8 on Netra-T, 2 on 450, 5 on 480 (common with xrootd) HPSS with interface to Objectivity (ams/oofs), RFIO and with xrootd – 245 TB (57 TB for root files) Disk cache for Obj and xrootd – 45 TB (20 TB will be added soon) SRB for import/export xrootd is replacing Obj/DB

12 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 12 Support for big experiments  D0 SAM server (on Linux) bbftp for import/export with FNAL Usage of HPSS as SAM cashing space

13 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 13 Present actions  Computing and data storage services for about 45 experiments (HEP, Nuclear Physics, Astro, Bio)  Support Center for EGEE 10 FTE ROC – Regional Operation Center CIC – Core Infrastructure Center Integration of BQS batch system into LCG

14 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 14 Present actions  LCG for LHC experiments  SRB for BaBar and SNovae (Astro and Bio soon)  xrootd for BaBar and D0

15 CCIN2P3 Site Report - HEPiX/HEPNT @ BNL, Oct 18, 2004 15 Present actions  Regional Center services for: EROS II BaBar (  Tier A) D0 AUGER LHC

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