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Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions Moa Carlsson Carolina Soto MIT, Design and Computation Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions Moa Carlsson Carolina Soto MIT, Design and Computation Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions Moa Carlsson Carolina Soto MIT, Design and Computation Group

2 Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions Ongoing research initiated at the MIT Design and Computation Group Computational Design Lab: Reinventing BIM, MIT Professors: Terry Knight and Takehiko Nagakura January – May, 2012

3 Are there any unwanted objects obstructing views of windows? Is there enough clearance around mechanical equipment for installation and repair? Is there enough space around the hospital bed to allow for proper circulation? Are rooms properly placed to comply with desired adjacencies? Conflicts [in design] are not always visible! Relations between objects - Key to the enterprise of Design Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ

4 Problem: Design evaluation during the creative process. BIM as an aid to that process Background survey: related research and commercial initiatives Proof-of-concept: Implementation and Video Demonstration Contributions and future steps Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions Presentation Overview

5 Lack of design oriented query systems in BIM. The need for query system which includes not only the queried objects but also their context and relations to other components as part of the computation. Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ Problem Drawings by Le Corbusier

6 Embedded information in architectural components beyond geometry: functions, materials, scheduling, dependencies and hosted elements, etc. Information can be extracted on demand. Possibilities for automation of design evaluation and conflict detection. The Role of BIM Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ

7 Embedded Information in BIM is value and context free. Designers contribute their expert knowledge about spatial relations. In context of design: Knowledge = the [human] Designer + Information Information ≠ Knowledge Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ

8 Background Survey Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ Commercial and Research applications for: 1.Clash detection: - Detection of geometric overlaps - Built-in and Stand alone applications

9 Background Survey Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ Commercial and Research applications for: 2.Rule-based checking - Evaluation of compliance with conditions encoded into machine-readable rules. - Primarily stand alone applications - Research by: S. Zhang, C. Eastman, A. Borrmann et al. IMAGES SOURCES: 1, 3, 4: S. Zhang, et al., Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Safety: Automatic Safety Checking of Construction Modelsand Schedules, Autom. Constr. (2012) 2: A, Borrmann, et al., Implementing Metric Operators of a Spatial Query Language for 3D Building Models: Octree and B-Rep Approaches, Journal of Computing in civil engineering. (2009) 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4.

10 Most surveyed approaches - enable easy sharing, but place the evaluation outside the design environment Lack of tools which focus on spatial relations Survey Summary Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ

11 A novel way to query BIM models about the relations among the architectural components oIQ is an application proposed for BIM which aids the design process by enabling automated evaluations of projects. Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ Proposal : oIQ oIQ = ‘inside’ design + ‘spatial relations’ assessment

12 DIRECT QUERY – can be answered directly with extracted information Is the width of the door ADA-compliant? INDIRECT QUERY – requires computation of extracted information Is there enough clearance around mechanical equipment for installation and repair? Are there any unwanted objects obstructing views of windows? Are any elements obstructing the projected door swing area? Is the desired clearance for stair landings being applied to all areas of the building? Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ oIQ: Types of Queries

13 Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ oIQ: Types of Queries DIRECT QUERY: Answered through embedded information. INDIRECT QUERY: Answered through embedded information + spatial conditions -Is the ceiling height complying with a certain minimum dimension? -Which objects are surrounding a certain component?

14 The Query Volume (QV) is used ‘behind-the-scene’ to transpose the users’ expert knowledge into a computable algorithm. Used to fulfill Indirect queries. The QV is not a mere offset of recognized component geometry, but it also adapts to the performance capacities of components, e.g. the swing of a door. Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ oIQ: Transient boundary condition

15 A.Including the evaluation inside the design process B.Taking advantage of the information embedded in BIM components C.Enabling the inclusion of the user’s expert knowledge in the evaluation D.Allowing for rule customization E.Reporting feedback in user-friendly formats Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ oIQ: Objectives

16 Plug in for Revit developed through the API TEST CASE: Queries doors for compliance with 3 conditions: Minimum height (direct query) Minimum Width (direct query) Clearance of door swing and projection area (indirect query) Tested successfully on a basic BIM model of a residential building Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ Proof-of-Concept : oIQ Implementation

17 Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ oIQ Implementation: VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONVIDEO DEMONSTRATION

18 oIQ Implementation Results The tool was able to identify all the conflicts between doors and surrounding objects, as well as violations of height and width minimum conditions. User input via UI was successfully incorporated in the computation. After conflicts in scene were handled by user, no conflicts were reported upon re-execution of the oIQ-tool. Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ

19 Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ 1.MAIN CONTRIBUTION: Context awareness tool, embedded into the design environment, which allows users to perform customized design queries. oIQ aids the design process by allowing for fast and informed decision making. 2.Enables the inclusion of user’s expert knowledge. 3.Intuitive UI allows users to select rules and set values for query. 4.Multiple formats of reporting: (i) Listing on-screen, (ii) Color-coded 3D view, (iii)Text file for external use. oIQ Contributions:

20 Object Interaction Query A context awareness tool for evaluating BIM components’ interactions oIQ Data structure Management of rules Management of input & output data oIQ Future steps:

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