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How to Create a Standard GSMP: The Global Standards Management Process Presented by Mark C. d’Agostino V.P. Standards Management Uniform Code Council.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create a Standard GSMP: The Global Standards Management Process Presented by Mark C. d’Agostino V.P. Standards Management Uniform Code Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create a Standard GSMP: The Global Standards Management Process Presented by Mark C. d’Agostino V.P. Standards Management Uniform Code Council

2 2 GSMP Update  Rationale/Launch  Structure, Process, and Participants  What’s In the Pipeline?  Control Mechanisms Central Operations Metrics

3 3 Deliverables: Why GSMP?  Single face to Stakeholders  User requirements driven  Open/visible  Single pass  Both responsive & robust

4 4 Deliverables (continued)  Single multi-sector solutions  Single methodology & repository  Technology independent  Acceptable cost  Global

5 5 Launch: From SMP to GSMP  UCC SMP has “plugged in” to GSMP GSMP provides global structure SMP becomes North American region of the GSMP Continuity in membership Some modifications needed to fit SMP into GSMP

6 6 GSMP Launch Timeline  Call for GSMP – May 2001  Foundational Meeting – June 2001  Design Team Launched – July 2001  Released Draft GSMP Design - September 2001  Draft Design approved -November 2001

7 7 GSMP Launch Timeline (cont’d)  Call for Participation/Launch -- January 2002  First GSMP Meeting for North American Region -- February 2002  First GSMP standards ratificatied -- May 2002

8 8 GSMP Process Overview IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT ASSESSMENT /Planning PHASE Business Process Documenta tion Technical Development & Review PROJECT MANAGEMENT Publication

9 9 GSMP Structure UCC Board Committee for StandardsEAN Management Board Central Operations Management Administration Technical Development Business Process GSMP Process Steering Committee Business Requirement Groups AlignPlan OrderDeliver PayAsset Technical Requirement Groups Physical Technical Requirement Group (PTRG) Information Technical Requirement Group (ITRG) eC Implementation Forum Global User Advisory Council

10 10 Users Representatives from member companies Committed users learning and developing Business Requirements Groups Technical Requirements Groups EAN.UCC Central Operations Team GSMP Participants

11 11 One Global BRG with Regional Representation Review, comment, and vote as one BRG!

12 12 TRG Representation  Two: Information Physical  Communities of Experts No regions Appointed jointly by UCC and EAN

13 How to Create a Standard What’s In the Pipeline??

14 14 IDENTIFICATION DATA CARRIER ELECTRONIC COMMERCE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT EANUCC Core Technologies The EAN  UCC system provides an integrated suite of standardized tools that enable effective management of supply chains any company any industry anywhereRFID GTIN GLN GIAI GIST GIAI GRAI GSRN Application Identifiers EDIRSS XMLEAN/UPC UCC/EAN-128

15 15 Transactional DataFoundational Data Simpl-eb: The Basis for Development Core Processes Party Purchase Order Core Invoice Dispatch Advice (ASN) Standards that allow Align-Order-Ship-Bill for Fast Moving Consumer Goods Allowance and Charges Payment Terms Functional Extensions Item

16 16 Building on the Core Message Set: Data Alignment Foundational Data Transactional Data Data Alignment Core Commerce Transactions: P.O., Invoice, ASN, etc. (Simpl-eb) CPFR: Collaborative Planning, Forecasting & Replenishment Future System Enhancements

17 17 Standards Development Timeline: 20032002 Item, Party, Price Data Sync Simpl-eb Choreography Transportation Warehousing DSD Food Service Apparel Furniture PROCESSPROCESS INDUSTRYINDUSTRY Financial Processes VMI

18 How to Create a Standard Metrics

19 19 Improved Process Cycle Global6 months avg.GSMP Industry Specific 9 months UCC/SMP EC Expert Group National12 monthsX12 Global24 monthsISO Average Development Type

20 20 Process Time Breakdown

21 21 Standards Management Ops Review Central Operations – Work Flow 8/22/02General Merchandise Extension02-000001 6/21/02Core Price Phase I(non bus rule pricing) BRW In Process 01-000099 6/4/02Data Synch Methodology - 2.0 Foundation Service BRW In Process 01-000089 5/6/02Modify July Release UML In Process 01-000065 7/31/02Core Item add change delete BRW In Process 01-000064 9/3/02BRG Align Data Sched. FinishDescriptionStatus CR Number BRW In Process 02-000003 02-000005 BRW In Process BRW In Process Data Synch requirements to include changes/deletions to trade item attributes. Data Synch create consistent standards to support the GCI – Global Data Synchronisation 8/29/02 9/3/02

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