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Dr. Balázs Németh, Univ. of Pécs, HUN Associate Professor, eucen SC member www.eucen.euJune 2016 Commitment to the Social Dimension in Universities FINAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Balázs Németh, Univ. of Pécs, HUN Associate Professor, eucen SC member www.eucen.euJune 2016 Commitment to the Social Dimension in Universities FINAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Balázs Németh, Univ. of Pécs, HUN Associate Professor, eucen SC member www.eucen.euJune 2016 Commitment to the Social Dimension in Universities FINAL EVENT Dublin, 01 June 2016

2 2 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Helping Universities to implement a comprehensive and coherent Lifelong Learning strategy COMMIT FACTS  Starting date: 01 October 2013  Finishing date: 31 May 2016  Contractor and Coordinator: EUCEN  Call of proposals: EAC/S07/12  Programme: LLP Erasmus  Action: Multilateral projects

3 3 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project – Partner Universities  Universitécatholiquede Louvain(BE)Françoise de VIRON  Universityof Turku (FI)KariS EPPALA  Universityof Brest (FR)Jean-Marie FILLOQUE  Universityof Aveiro (PT)Lucilia SANTOS  Universityof Stuttgart (DE)Edith KROEBER  Dublin City University(IE)Maria SLOWEY  BogaziçiUniversity(TR)TamerATABARUT  Universityof Genoa(IT)Mauro PALUMBO  Universityof Ioannina(GR)Jenny PAGGE  Universityof Iaisi(RO)Sabina SARULEANU  UniversityRovira i Virgili(ES)Charo ROMANO  UniversityPecs(HU)Balasz NEMETH

4 4 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Invited Actors  External experts: EU Projects on Social Dimension in HE (PL4SD, EU-RSE, HEAD)  BFUG Working Group on Social Dimension in LLL  EuropeanStakeholders: EUA, ENQA, EAN, ESU  External evaluator: Dr Seamus O'Tuama, Director of the Adult Continuing Education unit at University College Cork -UCC-, IE

5 5 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Major Aims  Increase commitment to the social dimension of higher education (HE)  Support strategies for increasing attainment  Improve the quality of multilateral cooperation between HEI in Europe  Facilitate the enhancement of innovative LLL practices and their transfer between countries

6 6 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Social Dimension "We share the societal aspiration that the student body entering, participating in and completing higher education at all levels should reflect the diversity of our populations. We reaffirm the importance of students being able to complete their studies without obstacles related to their social and economic background. We therefore continue our efforts to provide adequate student services, create more flexible learning pathways into and within higher education, and to widen participation at all levels on the basis of equal opportunity.“ London Communiqué 2007

7 7 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project The Expert Organisation

8 8 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Perspectives  Using the logic of the expert organisation  Securing institutional learning and transfer for other areas of universities  Learning how to set up adequately structured networks and collaboration models  Adjust quality assurance models  Think of structures, processes, attitudes  Institutional recognition of social responsibility activities

9 9 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project What we have done  Built on the work of a previous EUCEN project ALLUME (  Reviewed ALLUME three tools and refined them to take on board a clearer idea of the social dimension of HE  Designed a new tool for monitoring attainment in HE  Carried out an experts training event to prepare partners for visiting and counselling other universities

10 10 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project What we have done  Used up to 5 tools in 12 universities of 12 different countries to conduct a self evaluation in order form the starting point for a collective learning process towards social aspects in university  Undertook a transversal analysis of the visit reports and the completed tools  Provided relevant valorisation and exploitation of the products of the project

11 11 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project An overview od Workpacckages (WPs)

12 12 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project An Additional Tool outlined – Tool5

13 13 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Milestones of COMMIT  Reviewing and designing tools (December 2013 –May 2014)  Building-up the learning environment: Training Meeting(Barcelona, May 2014)  12 visits + visit reports (July 2014 –April 2015)  Analysis and reports (May 2015 –February 2016):  Analysis of tools and transversal analysis  Feasibility study for monitoring tool  Final products

14 14 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Dissemination and QA  Dissemination Dissemination plan projectwebsite disseminationtools  Quality Assurance Internal External

15 15 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Aspects of Valorisation  Valorisation: 12 national active learning events Final European transnational valorisation learning event (Brussels, March 2016) Two extra visits (planned for AT and PL) Distribution of final products Final version of tools in EUCEN’s Moodle elearning Platform

16 16 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project A Social Project Marketplace – An Example from URV 32 community organizations 58 projects 31 undergraduate programmes 19 graduate programmes 155 participants (URV) 18 community organizations 20 projects 10 undergraduate programmes 3 graduate programmes 45 participants (URV)

17 17 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Yeaxlee on Lifelong Education „While... the case for lifelong education rests ultimately upon the nature and needs of human personality in such a way that no individual can rightly be regarded as outside its scope, the social reasons (i.e. democracy and responsibility) for fostering it are as powerful as the personal.” Basil A. Yeaxlee, Lifelong Education (1929). Source:

18 18 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Two qutations form Passion to Learn I have learned to learn and want to helpő others I want to learn and teach active social participation and controlled changes. Markkula, M. and Suurla (1998) Passion to Learn Helsinki: International Association for Continuing Engineering Education

19 19 www.eucen.euJune 2016 eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project Committee of the Regions on Learning Regions and Cities Promoting Active Citizenship on 11 September2006 „ The participants of the CoR seminar on Learning Regions and Cities promoting Active Citizenship in Pécs, Hungary, on 11 September 2006: Stress that local and regional authorities have a key role to play in promoting the involvement of citizens in the democratic process, and are able to mobilize citizens being the main providers of education and traning. It is at local and regional level that people express active citizenship in practice and it is therefore crucial to ensure their involvement at these levels” CoR (2006) Seminar Conclusions on Learning Regions and Cities Promoting Active Citizenship Brussels: CoR

20 20 www.eucen.euJune 2016 Eucen LLP Erasmus COMMIT Project The paradox of solidarity

21 21 www.eucen.euJune 2016 Thank you for your attention www.eucen.euJune 2016 Projects Conferences Seminars Networking Resources Publications

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