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Welcome to Environmental Science Instructors: Mr. Handschuch and Ms. Kreudl.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Environmental Science Instructors: Mr. Handschuch and Ms. Kreudl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Environmental Science Instructors: Mr. Handschuch and Ms. Kreudl

2 Welcome Back to a NEW SCHOOL YEAR! Hopefully we’ve all had a long and eventful summer Being back at school is bitter sweet (We know! Teachers enjoy summer too!) Let us take a moment to get refocused and back in the spirit of school July 22, 2012Footer text here2

3 What will you learn! Gain a better understanding of the world around you Understand how things in the environment interact with each other How we affect the world around us! July 22, 2012Footer text here3

4 How will we accomplish that? Hands on activities Labs Group work Individual assignments and readings I am not a fan of homework! Anything work I assign you I will give you a chance to complete all or mostall of it in class July 22, 2012Footer text here4

5 Classroom Rules Rules Listen Carefully Participate Positively Be Respectful Work Hard Use Appropriate Language Consequences Warning/ Conference Call Home Detention Administrative Referal July 22, 2012Footer text here5

6 Class Procedures Work in class by paying attention, participating, and asking questions whenever they arise. Everyone should be in his/her seat and ready to work when the class starts. Bring your notebook and your brain to class each day. No one should disrupt the learning process in any way, shape or form. Be mindful of your noise level Do not leave the classroom until you are dismissed by the teacher. If you must exit the classroom, get permission from the teacher first. Follow school policies such as, but not limited to, chewing gum or eating/drinking in class. I don’t think I’m asking too much of you July 22, 2012Footer text here6

7 Electronics No use of headphones, iPods, cell phones, or other electronics in classroom. Only when I say its okay! You do not see my phone, so I do not want to see yours July 22, 2012Footer text here7

8 Attendance and Lates Students are expected to be in class on time. Class begins immediately and students should be in their seats prepared to work. Students who are late to class will be marked tardy. The tardiness policy of the school will be followed in this class. Students who are aware of a future absence are responsible for notifying the teacher prior to their absence. Don’t Be Late July 22, 2012Footer text here8

9 Make-Up Work Students are required to make up work that they miss when they are absent from school. Arrangements to make up missed class work, computer work, tests, or quizzes should be made within one school day of a student’s return to school. Work may only be made up for excused absences. Students are expected to take a test or quiz on the day is given, unless they have an excused absence and have missed at least two consecutive days prior to the test or quiz. Students should consult what assignments were done, the homework assigned for the day they were absent, and if there will be a quiz/test the day they show up. “I have not been here and I did not know what was on the quiz/test” will not be a valid excuse not to take the quiz/test. July 22, 2012Footer text here9

10 Cheating Policy A student found to be cheating will receive a zero for the test, quiz, or assignment on which he/she cheated. School policy on cheating will be followed in this class. Just don’t do it July 22, 2012Footer text here10

11 Grading Policy Grades for the marking period will be made up of; Tests Quizzes Classroom/ Homework Labs Projects Presentations You do not come here for your health July 22, 2012Footer text here11

12 What To Expect of Us We care about our students. We believe all students can learn math. We will be persistent in encouraging our students to make the effort. We will work hard for our students. We will make the effort to maintain open communications with students. However, we will answer many questions with other questions We will grade tests and quizzes promptly. We will not let you down July 22, 2012Footer text here12

13 Be Awesome! This is, can, and will be a fun class I want you to learn everything that you can and have fun doing it The goal for the year is to be awesome and strive for excellence July 22, 2012Footer text here13

14 Who am I? I graduated from the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey I graduated with my Bachelors of science (BS) in Biology I’ve studied Biology Environmental Chemistry Physics Astronomy (I know a lot of science) I play and coach Ultimate Frisbee I surf in my free time I’m more than just a teacher in a class July 22, 2012Footer text here14

15 Now it is your turn Once you have received your flash card fold it in half length ways On the outside areas of the card write your; Name What science do you know And what is something your curious about in science On the inside area of the card write; 3 facts about yourself 1 thing you did this summer Follow these simple instructions July 22, 2012Footer text here15

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