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EDU 346A Week 2 Integrating technology with Direct Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "EDU 346A Week 2 Integrating technology with Direct Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDU 346A Week 2 Integrating technology with Direct Instruction

2 Housekeeping Textbook update. Proposal and Rubric for final project are due 7/21. Rubrics for these are available on the Weebly site. Overview syllabus for course is in SOLAR. Detailed agenda, including work due next class, will be handed out (paper copy) at the start of each class.

3 Ice Breaker Mix & Match - Animals Once you’ve found your fellow animals, find a seat together with them for the next activity.

4 Debrief from last class Discuss these questions: What was good about last class? What was challenging about last class? What, if any, practical uses do you see for the skills from last class (Google Drive, Spreadsheets)

5 Standards – pre Common Core Michigan: K-8: Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs) What students at each grade level should be able to do in each core subject (Math, ELA, Science, History) 9-12: High School Content Expectations (HSCEs) What content students must master to earn high school credit for a specific course. Not tied to grade level, but to courses. (e.g. Biology vs 10 th grade science.) MEAP aligned to GLCEs, MME to HSCEs

6 Common Core “The Common Core State Standards were developed by states, for states to provide a consistent set of clear K-12 expectations that outline the knowledge and skills students need in English language arts and mathematics to lead to career- and college-readiness. Prior to the CCSS, every state had their own unique standards. As a result, what students are expected to learn varied widely from state to state.” - Michigan DOE FAQ on Common Core

7 CCSS Assessment Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Computer based and interactive assessment. “The SBAC will be administered statewide during the spring of 2015. These assessments will replace current state tests in reading, writing and mathematics in grades 3-11, and will provide cross-state, comparable data. ” - Michigan DOE FAQ on Common Core

8 CCSS Timing “The Common Core State Standards were adopted by the State Board of Education in June 2010. Local districts currently are in the process of implementing the CCSS with full implementation complete by the 2014-15 school year.” - Michigan DOE FAQ on Common Core

9 What about Science and Social Studies? Science: Still using GLCEs and HSCEs Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) were released in Spring 2013. No firm implementation date yet. 2016-2017 is ‘best case”. Social Studies Still using GLCEs and HSCEs No formal word on updates.

10 K-W-L for Readings Thinking about the assigned readings for today: 1 sticky note with something that you already Knew 1 with something that you Want to know more about 1 with something you Learned that can help in your practice. Turn & Talk: Share your sticky notes with the person next to you. Post and gallery walk.

11 Traditional Lectures Pros: Can “read” the audience Opportunity for teachable moments Class discussions Can be prepared “just in time” Cons: Zoning out Intimidation during discussions/questioning. Pacing only suits a fraction. What about absent kids?

12 Lessons On-Demand Pros: Learners access only the lessons they need. Pause-rewind Absent kids? No problem! Absent teacher? No problem! Cons: Requires lead time and planning. Hard to adjust mid- lesson. Requires tech access. Requires new learning skills.

13 Samples of Lessons On Demand Khan academy Khan academy : Simple narration, often visual is just writing. Textbook sites: Textbook sites: Vary a lot in the quality and helpfulness! Video of actual teaching: Boring example from FlippingPhysics Cool example from FlippingPhysicsFlippingPhysics Narrated PowerPoints Document Camera Captures

14 How to: PowerPoint LOD

15 Why Bother? Good for days when you have a sub. Helps reach more learners. Can enable a much more flexibly paced curriculum. Helpful for absent students. Kids actually like it! Can give you the skills to teach kids how to make these, which opens doors for performance assessments.

16 Your tasks: 1. Find a Lesson On Demand that relates to your content. Post the link in the discussion thread in BlackBoard Write a few sentences about what you like about the lesson and what would make it better. 2. View a lesson someone else has posted, and add a comment to their discussion thread. Part 1: Explore Available Lessons to get a sense of what makes a good lesson.

17 Your Tasks: 1. Make a brief PowerPoint to address this key question: What qualities does a Lesson On Demand need to have to be effective and useful to students? 2. Narrate your PowerPoint so that it becomes it’s own Lesson on Demand! Part 2: Make a brief Lesson On Demand of your own to gain familiarity with how to do it.

18 Extension Activity - Jing Wanna learn a tool to create narrated screen captures? Go to (link is on the “Tools From Class” page of the Weebly site) Watch the overview video about Jing. Download the free software if you’d like!

19 Your Resources On Weebly Site: Tutorials in the Web based Help Menu in PowerPoint. Your instructor – please ask for lots of help!

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