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Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Testing for the 3 main nutrient groups 31 Jan 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Testing for the 3 main nutrient groups 31 Jan 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Testing for the 3 main nutrient groups 31 Jan 2012

3 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Learning Objectives Be able to describe what happened in each test using layman’s terms. – Level 3-5 Be able to describe the tests using the proper scientific terms and names of the chemicals used. – Level 5-7

4 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Starter Questions Either agree or disagree with the following Hold up the green card in your planner for if you agree Hold up the red card in your planner if you disagree You have 20 seconds to decide

5 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan When you get butter on paper the paper goes clear

6 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan When you put sugar on paper the paper goes clear

7 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Milk is high in sugar

8 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Fish is high in protein

9 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Eggs are a fat rich food

10 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Fat test When fats are rubbed on brown paper they turn it translucent.

11 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Carbohydrate test We have two tests for this. Iodine solution changes colour in the presence of starchy foods but not sugary foods. Sugary foods can be tested for with Benedict’s solution. They must be heated.

12 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Protein test Buiret solution turns purple or pink in the presence of proteins.

13 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Experiment SampleFat testStarch test Iodine Sugar test Benedicts Conclusion

14 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Experiment Draw the table Carry out each test for each sample of food – Fat – brown paper – Carbs – Iodine solution/Benedicts solution (heat) – Protein – Buiret solution Decide on what nutrients the food is rich in Begin the write-up of the experiment

15 Testing for the three main nutrient groups31 Jan Class listSeating Plan Learning Objectives Be able to describe what happened in each test using layman’s terms. – Level 3-5 Be able to describe the tests using the proper scientific terms and names of the chemicals used. – Level 5-7

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