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CVHS Registration 2015-16.  Mrs. Scott x 34150A – Delg  Mr. Barba x 34159 Deli – Gala + AVID  Ms. Garcia x 34151Gall– Lopez, D  Mrs. Farley x 34152Lopez,

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Presentation on theme: "CVHS Registration 2015-16.  Mrs. Scott x 34150A – Delg  Mr. Barba x 34159 Deli – Gala + AVID  Ms. Garcia x 34151Gall– Lopez, D  Mrs. Farley x 34152Lopez,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CVHS Registration 2015-16

2  Mrs. Scott x 34150A – Delg  Mr. Barba x 34159 Deli – Gala + AVID  Ms. Garcia x 34151Gall– Lopez, D  Mrs. Farley x 34152Lopez, E – Rodriguez, C  Mr. Wood x 34157Rodriguez, D – Z  Walk-in meetings are available most days before and after school as well as at lunch time  To make an appointment, see a counseling office secretary before school, lunch or after school and she will write out a pass for a specific time and date. Show your teacher the pass on that date to be released to go to the office for your visit!

3 Wednesday, March 4 Period 1Period 3Period 5 Thursday, March 5 Period 2Period 4Period 6 Presentations Scott: A114 Barba: A114 Garcia: A114 Farley: C-3 Wood: C-9 Scott: C-5 Barba: A114 Garcia: C-9 Farley: A114 Wood: A114 Scott: C-5 Barba: C-7 Garcia: A114 Farley : A114 Wood: A114 Presentations Scott: A114 Barba: C-5 Garcia: C-9 Farley: A114 Wood: A114 Scott: A114 Barba: C:5 Garcia: C:7 Farley: C-10 Wood: C-9 Scott: C:9 Barba: A114 Garcia: C-7 Farley: C-5 Wood: C- 10 10th Grade Schedule Presentation – March 4/5 th : see counselor locations below. (Please send students to their counselor @ locations listed below.) All Teachers, please send students to A114 UNLESS scheduled in classrooms as listed below. Pick-up will be w/in each class March 6 th.


5 haracter -  Character - Doing what is right, always doing your best eadership -  Leadership - Being a positive example for others, influencing others in a positive way ttitude -  Attitude - Everything you do is shaped by your attitude….Good attitude- Good Results, Bad Attitude-Bad Results cholarship -  Scholarship - Being a student, preparing for the future after high school ervice -  Service - Giving back to others, Gratitude

6  Academics  Arts  Athletics  Activities

7  English  Math  Social Studies  Science  PE  Foreign Lang./Fine Art  Health  Electives 40 credits 20 credits 30 credits 20 credits 10 credits 5 credits 80 credi ts You must also pass the CAHSEE Total 225 credits

8 Academic Area High School University of California Cal State University Community College Private Colleges 225 Units Upper 9%: Most Competitive Upper 33%: Competitive Most Difficult Very Difficult Moderately Difficult Minimally Difficult Non-Competitive English 4 Years (40 Units) 4 Years 1. Four-Year Degree Transfer Recommended strongest possible preparation. 2. Assoc. of Arts Degree *Business*Science*Astronomy*Psychology*Telecommunications*Aeronautics*Electronics *Psychiatric Technology *Foreign Language *Pre-Professional School 3. Vocational Certificate Programs *Police Work *Drafting *Medical Secretary *Child Development *Fire Academy *Emergency Med. Tech. *Computer Science *Interior Design *Welding Broad Range of Admissions Standards and Policies Math 2 Years (20 Units) Alg. 1 or Alg. A&B Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra II (Recommend 4 or more years) Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra II (Recommend 4 or more years) World History & Geography U.S. History Amer. Govt. / Economics 3 Years (30 Units): World Hist. U.S. Hist. Gov’t./Econ. 1 Year World History and 1 Year U.S. History OR ½ US Hist. AND 1 Semester Am. Govt. OR 1 Semester Econ. 1 Year World History and 1 Year U.S. History and 1 Semester Am. Govt. and 1 Semester Econ. Science 2 Years (20 Units) (Physical 10)(Life 10) 2 Years Lab Science (from core disciplines) (3 Recommended) (3 Recommended) 2 Years Lab Science (1 physical and 1 biological) Fine Art or Foreign Language 1 Year (10 Units) 1 Year UC Accepted Fine Art and 2 Years Same Foreign Language (3 Recommended) 1 Year CSU Accepted Fine Art and 2 Years Same Foreign Language (3 Recommended) P.E. 2 Years (20 Units) 1 Year of College-Prep Electives to be chosen from at least two of the following: History, English, Advanced Math, Lab Science, Foreign Language, Social Science, UC Accepted Fine Arts Health ½ Year (5 Units) Required GPA TestsCAHSEE Rec. Minimum GPA – 3.3 SAT or ACT Rec. Minimum GPA – 2.5 SAT or ACT H.S. Diploma or age 18 Placement Tests See Individual Catalogs Academic Requirements for Citrus Valley High School Graduation And All Levels of College Admission

9 A. History (World, US Hist., Gov’t/Econ) -------- 2 years B. English ---------------------------------- 4 years C. Math (Alg. 1, Geom., Alg. 2)----------------- 3 year * 4 recommended D. Science (Lab) ------------------------------ 2 years * 3 recommended E. Foreign Language ---------------------------- 2years * 3 recommended F. Visual/Performing Art------------------------- 1year G. College Prep Electives ------------------------ 1 year

10 Important WEB Addresses


12 Repeat for college Repeat for college SAT/ACT/PSAT

13 Redlands High School AAA (“Get ahead” classes) Recommended classes for freshmen: Health/Geography First semester: June 16-2 Second semester: July 6-22 _____________________________________________________________ Recovery for “Fs” only First semester: June 16-30 Second semester: July 1-17 (July 3 rd – No School)

14 Discuss the pros and cons of taking honors or AP Classes


16 List course- see back of sheet for options H/AP Parent Initials and Signature Summer Work as well! Let counselor know when AAA enrolled! Return by March 6 th !

17 Semester One = 6 semester classes Semester Two = 6 semester classes 1. English = 2. Math = 3. History = 4. Science = 5. PE or Elective = 6.Elective = Alternative Elective = ___________________ Alternative elective = ___________________ 6. Elective = Alternative Elective = ________________




21 Double-check the following:  Last name/first name on registration form  Counselor Name on form  Due date at top of form  Turn in your transcript to your counselor  Share the information with your parents  Return your Reg.form to your History teacher!  Failure to return the form may result in Counselor Selected electives  Adios!

22 Wednesday, April 1 Period 1Period 3Period 5 Thursday, April 2 Period 2Period 4Period 6 Presentations Scott: A114 Barba: C-24 Garcia: C-16 Farley C-28 Wood: C-30 Scott: A114 Barba: A114 Garcia: C-29 Farley C-24 Wood: C-30 Scott: C-19 Barba: A114 Garcia: A114 Farley: A114 Wood: C-30 Presentations Scott: C-16 Barba: C-24 Garcia: A114 Farley: A114 Wood: C-30 Scott: C-19 Barba: C-24 Garcia: C-30 Farley: A114 Wood: A114 Scott: A114 Barba: C-19 Garcia: C-24 Farley: C28 Wood: A114 11th Grade Schedule- Presentation (Please send students to their counselor @ locations listed below.) April 1/2nd: Pick-up will be w/in each class April 8 th /9 th Pd. 1 Mrs. Nelson’s students will go to their designated counselor’s room.


24 PSAT/SAT ACT Scores


26  Philanthropist  Humanitarian doctor in Lebanon  Graduate Magna Cum Laude, Engineering School  Engineering student, Cal Poly  Speech Pathologist  Advisor/Press Writer for Presidential Office  Hospitality services major via community college transfer  Humanities program, Humbolt State  Firefighter/EMT  Teaching English in China

27 Wednesday February 11 Period 1Period 3Period 5 Thursday February 12 Period 2Period 4Period 6 Presentations Scott: A-114 Barba: A-114 Garcia: A-114 Farley: C-13 Wood: E-160 Scott: C-4 Barba: B-5 Garcia: A-114 Farley: A-114 Wood: A-114 Scott: C-4 Barba: B-5 Garcia: A114 Farley: A114 Wood: A114 Presentations Scott: C-4 Barba: A-114 Garcia: B-5 Farley: C-13 Wood: E-160 Scott: A-114 Barba: C-4 Garcia: B-5 Farley: A-114 Wood: A-114 Scott: A-114 Barba: A-114 Garcia: C-4 Farley: B-5 Wood: A-114 9th Grade Schedule Presentations Feb. 11/12 th : see counselor locations below. (Please send students to their counselor @ locations listed below.) Pick-up will be w/in each class Feb. 18 th and 19th


29 A. History (World, US Hist., Gov’t/Econ) -------- 2 years B. English ---------------------------------- 4 years C. Math ( Int. Math I., Int. Math II, Int. Math III )----------- 3 year * 4 recommended D. Science (Lab) ------------------------------ 2 years * 3 recommended E. Foreign Language ---------------------------- 2years * 3 recommended F. Visual/Performing Art------------------------- 1year G. College Prep Electives ------------------------ 1 year


31 H/AP Parent Initials and Signature Summer Work as well! List course- see back of sheet for options


33 List No period 1 or 6 Parent initials!__ No Initial No A.P. Return by April 8 th ! List course- see back of sheet for options

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