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日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

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Presentation on theme: "日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /"— Presentation transcript:

1 日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

2 Debate 論題 : “Japan should import more foreign workers” 「日本は外国人労働者を もっと受け入れるべき だ」 (You should have already done some research on this for homework!)

3 外国人労働者受け入れ促 進「急務」と経団連会長 2015 年 10 月 3 日 外国人の家事代行 は普及するのか? 2014.10.19 日本も難民受け入れを=金銭 面のみの支援批判 ― 民主代表 2015 年 10 月 1 日 「国民の反発はあるが、政府は一定数の難民を引き受けることは必要だと 正面から説明しないと、(国際社会から)日本は二枚舌だと受け取られか ねない」

4 The MHLW intends to relax qualifications for nursing care workers to cope with a serious labor shortage in the nursing care field. It is also considering accepting more foreign workers into the field… (Japan News 2014/10/16)

5 jobs/wages diversity Japanese culture government resources international responsibility crime/terrorism national identity brain-drain globalisation ageing public-opinion

6 Debate Rules/Advice A debate is organised by time & a set of procedures. A debate is not a free-for-all argument; do not talk or interrupt the other team Don’t read, talk; avoid “We/I think….” Keep points short & simple –a string of facts is often difficult to follow Listen carefully and take notes Find holes in your opponents’ arguments

7 For (Affirmative)=odd groups – 肯定(側):論題に対して賛成の立場を取る チーム –Sit on the left side of the classroom! Against (Negative)= even groups – 否定(側):論題に対して反対の立場を取る チーム –Sit on the right side of the classroom! (1,3,5,7,8) (2,4,6,8,10)

8 FRONT AffirmativeNegative


10 Phase 1: Opening (Proposer & Opposer) Outline –“We have 3 points why Japan should (not) import more foreign workers. First, …” Expand (explain points in more detail) –“First, ……Second, …….., Third,……..” Review –“In summary, our three points were….” 4 分 max!

11 1.Globalisation 2. Ageing 3. Dx3 ODD GROUPS (1, 3, 5…)EVEN GROUPS (2, 4, 6…) 1.Global trends 2. Culture 3. Public Safety

12 Phase 1: Opening (Proposer & Opposer) Outline –“We have 3 points why Japan should (not) import more foreign workers. First, …” Expand (explain points in more detail) –“First, ……Second, …….., Third,……..” Review –“In summary, our three points were….” 4 分 max!





17 Phase 2: Rebuttal (Seconder) Outline –“You presented 3 points why Japan should (not) import more foreign workers…. Expand (attack each point in turn) –“First, you said 1, but actually…. –Second, you said 2, which is true but….. –Third, you said 3, but the fact is that…..” Review –“In summary, your three points were….” 4 分 max!

18 GROUPS 2, 4, 6 etc write here while listening!

19 GROUPS 1, 3, 5 etc write here while listening!



22 Phase 3: Conclusion/Summary Outline –“Today, we presented 3 points why Japan should (not) import more foreign workers. Our arguments stressed X.” Dismiss opposition arguments –“Your arguments focused on Y, but ignored Z” * Final Message (Slogan/Keyword) * –“The most important point to remember is….” 2 分 max!



25 日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) /

26 Homework: How was it? (感想 文) Please e-mail me with your feedback about the debate (questions also ok!) Note – this will also be your attendance Deadline: Friday (6:00pm) Length: 1~2 paras

27 Homework: How was it? (感想 文) Please e-mail me with your feedback about the debate (questions also ok!) Note – this will also be your attendance Deadline: Friday (6:00pm) Length: 1~2 paras

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