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Unit 5 (and 6 and 9? Sayyyyy whhhhatt!?).  Joshua led the Israelites to the Promised Land  Joshua means “savior” Jesus is a variation of this name 

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1 Unit 5 (and 6 and 9? Sayyyyy whhhhatt!?)

2  Joshua led the Israelites to the Promised Land  Joshua means “savior” Jesus is a variation of this name  Joshua insists that God saved them and brought them here and that the Israelites keep this covenant (big foreshadow here)  Joshua then dies

3  Apostasy cycle takes place numerous times  Usually reoccurs after the judge dies

4  Was born from a barren mother (Hannah)  Connection: John the baptist  Aka. Israel’s last judge  Stopped apostasy in Israel  Samuel tells the 12 tribes to elect a king (Saul is selected, a divine choice)

5  Militant leader, very prideful  Disobeyed certain commands from God as relayed by Samuel  Saul lost his kingship to David

6  Aka. Best king of Israel  Aka. Goliath Slayer (via sling)  Was anointed by Samuel to replace Saul, while Saul was still king!  Saul at first loved David, but then became jealous and tried to kill him  Saul’s son, Jonathan warned David of assassination attempts (BFFs)  Saul eventually is besieged, Jonathan dies  Saul falls on his own sword after falling in despair

7  David loved God, wanted to build a Temple to house the Ark, prophet Nathan tells him not too and instead YHWH would establish a dynasty through David (JC is aka. The son of David)  Excellent military leader (defeats all opposition)

8  Has an affair with Bathsheba, wife of one of his soldiers (Uriah)  Plans to have Uriah killed (and does), Bathsheba has kid (who dies), David marries Bathsheba  2 nd kid is Solomon

9  Nathan confronts David, David repents, God ain’t having it  God gives David:  1. a troubled household  2. son raping a half-sister (Not Solomon)  3. revenge murder by Bathsheba’s brother  4. son rebels (Absalom), who dies from getting hung from a tree

10  Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed in 586 BCE by king Nebuchadnezzar  Israelites were deported to Babylon  For pious Jews, because they did not have a Temple to worship, they instead used synagogues (prayer houses)

11  Zerubbabel, a descendent of David/Joshua rebuilds the Temple and renewed the worship of YHWH  Did not want help of Samaritans (they are a mix of Israelites and Assyrians, and only believe in the Pentateuch, which is why they are disliked even in JC’s time)  Those that stayed in Babylon, paid taxes to Jerusalem but were more open to Gentile ideas

12  2 nd major essay, due January 9 th  Refer to chapter 6 and 9 for your ideas and some info (especially Ch. 9 for John)  Compare the synoptic gospels of Mark and John in the following:  1. Identify the audience (this will take research)  2. Central themes  3. Son of God  4. Theological themes  Test on red terms that same week Jan. 8 th or 9 th

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