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Markit Counterparty Manager. An unrivalled track record in counterparty documentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Markit Counterparty Manager. An unrivalled track record in counterparty documentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Markit Counterparty Manager

2 An unrivalled track record in counterparty documentation

3 Know Your Client On-boardingMaintenanceOff-boarding Volume 5 documents x 10 dealers 1000 accounts = 50,000 documents and 10,000 emails + follow up! Security Confidentiality Audit / Regulation AWARD LOGO 2011 Solution:Issue:

4 External Business Conduct rules Dodd Frank “Without your technology, there is no way dealers could cope with the documentation burden of Dodd-Frank External Business Conduct Rules” Know Your Client On-boardingMaintenanceOff-boarding ISDA Amend International Swaps & Derivatives Association Solution:Issue:

5 2012 Solution: FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Issue: Know Your Client On-boardingMaintenanceOff-boarding FATCA Service Bureau

6 180 buy-side firms 60+ dealers 75 dealers 1800 buy-side firms ISDA Amend FATCA Service Bureau... “An unrivalled track record in counterparty documentation”

7 Thank you.

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