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Monthly Special Education Coordinator Meeting December 8, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Monthly Special Education Coordinator Meeting December 8, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monthly Special Education Coordinator Meeting December 8, 2014

2 Agenda Enrich News Reminders Next Meeting

3 Enrich News Big update being pushed down beginning on 12/20/14 – Changes to evaluation/reevaluation format (not the process) – Much more streamlined and simplified – More like our process – OSES will have a “how to” video available

4 Enrich News OSES is advising districts to finalize all processes, including draft IEPs prior to 12/20

5 Enrich News If you are unable to finalize the draft IEP, you may lose everything you’ve put in. OSES will be sending additional guidance soon.

6 Reminders Prior to the first AR in Enrich, the “real” IEP is the hardcopy that you make ALL changes on and upload into Enrich. Progress reports outside the “report card” cycle – For an AR, the student should have already had 4 PRs – Summarize the student’s progress on the previous IEPs goals in the PLPs and on the PWN

7 Denial of FAPE meetings – Discussion must be done through an actual meeting (cannot be an “agree to amend without a meeting”) – Must use the Denial of FAPE agenda on the BookShelf (Resources) to guide discussion and provide documentation of data used to make decisions – Decision (Yes, there was a denial of FAPE and compensatory services are needed or No, there was no denial of FAPE) must be documented on PWN – After the conclusion of the compensatory services, there must be another IEP meeting to determine (based on data) whether the gap was closed If it was not closed, team has to determine how much more compensatory services are needed to close the gap

8 Denial of FAPE decision is based on data – Where is the child currently? – Where does the team think he would have been if he had received the services he was supposed to have received? – If there is a gap between these 2, what compensatory services are needed to close that gap as quickly as possible? Upload the compensatory services plan in Enrich; these are not reflected in the IEP, but are in addition to the services called for in the IEP Compensatory services are not necessarily “hour-for-hour” Compensatory services must be delivered so as to close the gap as quickly as possible

9 Sending Personally-identifiable Information Do not use personal email addresses Use the free Axcrypt software (BookShelf-Resources) to encrypt documents you’re sending as attachments if they contain personally-identifiable info – District password is sccharter unless otherwise noted – Remember to right-click and save before trying to open

10 EFA codes in PowerSchool – Highest weighted disability category (so may differ from what’s on the IEP as primary) – For any disability category other than SLI, must have at least 250 a week of sp ed to have an EFA code and get funds – SLI is at least 50 minutes a week The IEP team CANNOT make decisions about the amount of services based on receiving EFA funds; decisions must be made based on individual student needs as reflected in data We do spot-check EFA codes in PS – See the BookShelf - Resources

11 Transition IEPs – assessment results and findings related to transition go into the Post- School Considerations area rather than into PLPs and Findings sections Make sure meeting notices have all required team member positions listed

12 School-level assessments (such as MAP) – Since there is no place on the current IEP in Enrich to list specific school-level assessments, you can use the District Assessment section to list the assessment and describe any allowable accommodations We will get information out to you about the new assessments (Aspire, WorkKeys, and ACT) as soon as we get it from the SDE

13 Next meeting is the face-to-face at the District Office on January 15 This is a mandatory meeting More info to follow


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