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CORE PLANNING TEAM.  Clear focus and intent in how this core planning team meeting contributes to advancing the master plan  Comprehensive appreciation.

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Presentation on theme: "CORE PLANNING TEAM.  Clear focus and intent in how this core planning team meeting contributes to advancing the master plan  Comprehensive appreciation."— Presentation transcript:


2  Clear focus and intent in how this core planning team meeting contributes to advancing the master plan  Comprehensive appreciation of contributions made by sub-committees in supporting the planning process  Develop final Strategic Areas of Focus and prioritized One Truckee River Goals  Direction on the governance/management model OUTCOMES

3 I.Welcome and Opening Remarks II.Where we are in the Planning Process III.Subcommittee Meeting Recap IV.Agreeing on Guiding Principles and Strategic Areas of Focus V.Goal Prioritization VI.Implementation Model and Next Steps AGENDA


5 Working together for a sustainable, clean, thriving river community recognized in the hearts and minds of all for the treasure it truly is. A Truckee River Management Plan will be developed that provides direction and an implementation strategy to protect and enhance the Truckee River. PURPOSE OF ONE TRUCKEE RIVER

6 One Truckee River is a collaboration of public and private partners working together to realize a Truckee River that flows clear and clean, quenches our thirst, sustains the river’s natural ecology, cultural resources and wildlife, and connects residents and visitors to unparalleled opportunities for recreation and regeneration. VISION OF ONE TRUCKEE RIVER

7 1.Promote social, cultural, educational and physical connections … 2.Assure the protection of Truckee River natural resources … 3.Support and promote outdoor education and local river stewardship.. 4.Promote collaboration across the public and private sectors … 5.Engage early and actively on the ground projects creatively exploring a variety of ways to capture opportunities and address challenges 6.Improve and enhance public safety and increase access to the Truckee River, with well-designed and appropriate amenities… 7.Integrate opportunities to extend the benefits of Truckee River recreation for improved health and wellness. 8.Address flood control managing urban vegetation and restoring riparian areas considering both environmental and social needs MAJOR GOALS

8  Social Issues  Education  Water Quality  Funding  Stewardship  Ecosystem  Safety  Recreation  Quality of Life ISSUE AREAS


10 OTR PLANNING PROCESS TimingTasks & Meetings Sept Launch Subcommittees, clarify and add to draft issues, new solutions & current solutions in place Dec Identify existing community solutions and confirm sub-issues through sub committee survey. JanReview the issues & solutions; determine priorities based on input from the group during 9 individual subcommittee meetings. FebCore Planning Team will set OTR Goals, Strategies & Key Initiatives based on subcommittee input Technical Review of OTR Goals, Strategies & Key Initiatives March Core Planning Team will approve goals, strategies and supporting actions March-May Master Plan Development June Public Open House w/ Stakeholders, present draft plan Late Summer City & County Approval

11  Cover, Table of Contents  Acknowledgements  Core Planning Team  OTR Stakeholder Team  Consultant Team  Executive Summary  Introduction & Background  Project Description  Management Plan Components  Planning Process  How the Plan was Developed  Emerging Issues  One Truckee River Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles  Strategic Areas of Focus, Goals & Initiatives  Strategic Area #1: Healthy River  Strategic Area #2 Clean, Safe Environment  Strategic Area #3: Personal Connection to the River  Strategic Area #4: Healthy, Happy Community  Strategic Area #5: Sustainable Implementation  Reference to existing Plans, Ordinances and Agreements-  Maps  Project Area  Jurisdictional Boundaries  Areas of Concern by Issue MASTER PLAN OUTLINE

12 Overarching Planning Elements Mission What is our core purpose? Vision What is the ideal future? Guiding Principles What are our guidelines? Emerging Issues Aligned Goal CascadeDescription Strategic Areas of Focus What must we focus on to achieve our vision? Initiative-Wide and Issue-Specific Goals What are the outcomes we are hoping to achieve in each area? Initiatives How will we achieve these goals? PLANNING DEFINITIONS

13 Strategic Areas of Focus Multi- Jurisdiction. Respect for Existing Work River Focus Direct Regional Ownership Foundation. Impact Public, Private Collab. #1: Healthy River #2: Clean & Safe Environment #3: Personal Connection to the River #4: Healthy, Happy Community #5: Sustainable Implementation Guiding Principles One Truckee River Mission VISION

14  Multi-Jurisdictional Implementation  Respect for Existing Work  River Focus  Direct Regional Ownership  Foundational Impact  Public, Private, and Nonprofit Sector Collaboration Do we agree that these principles are the right ones and can be used to prioritize our efforts? How would you order them to reflect priority? (meaning what is important to the group as we establish the focus) GUIDING PRINCIPLES

15  Healthy River  Clean, Safe Environment  Personal Connection to the River  Healthy, Happy Community  Sustainable Implementation Are these the key areas to build our plan around? STRATEGIC AREAS OF F0CUS

16 Guiding Principles:  Foundational Impact  Engage early and actively on the ground projects…demonstrate progress.  Public, Private, and Nonprofit Sector Collaboration  Promote collaboration across the public and private sectors. Strategic Focus Areas:  Healthy River  Protection of Truckee River natural resources: its water, plants and wildlife.  Address flood control managing urban vegetation and restoring riparian areas  Clean, Safe Environment  Improve and enhance public safety and increase access to the river  Personal Connection to the River  Support and promote outdoor education and local river stewardship.  Healthy, Happy Community  Promote social, cultural, educational and physical connections  Improved health and wellness. HOW THE GOALS EVOLVED


18  Key insights/ah-hahs  Subcommittee goals + outcomes  Concerns/roadblocks from the group 3-5 minutes SUBCOMMITTEE BRIEFING

19  Provide accessible, affordable housing alternatives to sleeping on the river that follows a housing first approach by expanding the overflow shelter, transitional housing, and permanent, supportive housing.  Provide walk-in access to mental health and substance abuse services for the homeless population on the River where they can access immediate assistance and linkage to long-term treatment.  Implement a multi-jurisdictional community case management program to connect individuals with available resources. SOCIAL ISSUES GOALS

20  Increase the amount of safe, public access to the River.  Promote awareness of the River’s recreational opportunities and the important role the River plays in our community.  Ensure the River is a friendly environment for multiple user-types by championing water etiquette. RECREATION

21  Maintain and enhance a rich and diverse vegetative ecosystem to increase shading and biodiversity along the river corridor.  Enhance wildlife habitat to maintain and improve key habitat, continuity, connectivity, and habitat integrity.  Maintain and expand a rich and diverse riparian corridor along the Truckee River to improve river function, wildlife habitat, quality of life, recreation, and flood management. ECOSYSTEM HEALTH

22  Evaluate and assess the current state of knowledge about, and connection to, the Truckee River in our community as well as existing Truckee-River related curriculum.  Create an Educator Resource Page that includes a complete inventory of curriculum and programs related to the Truckee River and aligns to Nevada Academic Content Standards.  Building on the Truckee River curriculum, encourage people to visit the River in order to generate excitement and help create personal connections to the River.  Create river stewards by inspiring people to act to improve the River by increasing their knowledge of, personal connection to, and excitement for the Truckee River. EDUCATION

23  Recognize, honor, and integrate the river’s cultural heritage into the river’s educational and branding efforts.  Identify areas of strengths, weaknesses and gaps in what’s currently available to drive the quality of life as it relates to the river. QUALITY OF LIFE

24  Improve water quality by implement Best Management Practices for high-volume storm drains feeding into the 18- miles section of Truckee River  Mitigate misuse of river by homeless, transients, and day laborers whose interactions with the river contributes river contamination  Establish and manage comprehensive measurement assessments to serve as benchmarking water quality and improvements resulting from the execution of the Truckee River Master Plan  Identify and execute a pilot watershed management plan (potentially Steamboat Creek)  Educate the private and commercial communities of impact of actions on water quality WATER QUALITY

25  Reduce the amount of hazardous material in the River corridor by making the River a destination for legitimate users.  Increase the public presence in the River corridor to deter misuse of the River.  Implement targeted, creative crime prevention through environmental design measures to deter illegal use of the River. PUBLIC SAFETY

26  Establish a single management model with integrated functions and coordinated efforts that is a valuable partner to non-profits.  Foster collaboration and coordination to increase funding, leverage efficiencies, and overall funding levels  Establish a bureau of communications within the Truckee River Master Plan SUSTAINABLE FUNDING

27  Create/Identify a regional, multi-jurisdiction management entity focused on implementation of the Truckee River Management Plan.  Raise awareness of and support for the Truckee River Management Plan.  Create consistent maintenance standards across jurisdictions. STEWARDSHIP

28  Multi-Layer Mapping  Visitor Center  Signage Master Plan  Multi-jurisdictional design standards  River Ranger  Water Access  Amenities  Citizen Involvement App MAJOR THEMES FROM MULTIPLE SUBCOMMITTEES


30  Highlight those goals that merged from multiple groups  Are there any goals missing?  Are there any goals that don’t meet the guiding principles?  Prioritize the goals Don’t just vote for your group’s items Only one per goal Distribute your votes across at least three focus areas DISCUSSION FLOW

31 Stakeholders/Ownership:  Who does it now?  Can they maintain current involvement?  Can they increase current involvement?  Can they accelerate current involvement?  If no one, who would do it?  Could it be incorporated into current workload? Funding Resources:  Is there current funding?  Is funding required? BUILDING OUT THE PLAN


33 Option 1: Create new independent entity  Form a Conservation District type of model  Create a model composed of a collaboration of stakeholders being managed by NLT or KTMB  Pass Legislation to create new entity involving the 3 local governments and stakeholders Option 2: Partner with an existing entity (i.e. TMWA, Flood Project, Truckee Meadows Regional Planning, Western Regional Water Commission, etc.) GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS

34 NEXT STEPS TimingTasks & Meetings FebTechnical Review of OTR Goals, Strategies & Key Initiatives March Core Planning Team will approve goals, strategies and supporting actions March-May Master Plan Development June Public Open House w/ Stakeholders, present draft plan Late Summer City & County Approval

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