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Agenda- Feb. 6, 2015 ► John Adams Check your answers from Part 1 from yesterdays assignment “Adams Presidency and Depth and Complexity Worksheet” ► Complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda- Feb. 6, 2015 ► John Adams Check your answers from Part 1 from yesterdays assignment “Adams Presidency and Depth and Complexity Worksheet” ► Complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda- Feb. 6, 2015 ► John Adams Check your answers from Part 1 from yesterdays assignment “Adams Presidency and Depth and Complexity Worksheet” ► Complete Part 2 with a partner. Focus on the Depth and Complexity and the guided questions.

2 February 10, 2016 ► Farewell Address- Review. Watch 5 minutes of Bush’s Speech to get an idea of how to start your Farewell Address. ► Washington Quiz- Take out a piece of paper and answer on that sheet. ► Work on your Farewell Address. It is due on Friday, February 12 (20 points in Projects).

3 The Presidency of John Adams What happened during the Presidency of our 2 nd President?

4 How did Adams get elected? ► Whomever won, got to be President. Whomever took second, became VP. ► In the election of 1796, Adams (Federalist Party) received 71 electoral votes, Jefferson (Democratic- Republican Party), 68. ► 12 Amendment will get rid of this tricky situation.  Thus the President and Vice-President were from two different political parties.  Initially, Adams was happy to have his friend, Jefferson, as VP…  Jefferson, on the other hand, had different plans.

5 XYZ Affair

6 ► U.S. is upset with France due to Impressment. President Adams sent three delegates to France to talk. ► French ministers refused to let the delegates meet the French Prime Minister unless a huge bribe was offered. The delegates refused and immediately went home. ► U.S. supports the decision to not give in. “No more”…. we won’t be bullied  The rally cry became, “Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute!” ► An undeclared naval war lasted for two years and American feelings toward the French worsened. Adams has Congress develop the United States Navy for protection of the nation and its waters.

7 True or False The federal government should not be able to silence the press (newspapers, magazines, and TV) under any circumstances. In other words, under no circumstances should freedom of the press be restricted or limited.

8 The Alien and Sedition Acts ► The Alien Act –  Aimed at immigrants and allowed the government to detain/deport suspected threats.  Increased the amount of time it took before immigrants to become citizens from from 5 to 14 years.  Federalists claimed that it was meant to protect U.S. citizens from alien/foreign powers.  People felt they were just trying to retain their power, as most immigrants were followers of the Democratic-Republican Party ► The Sedition Act –  People could not speak/print anything considered false, scandalous, or misleading.  Penalties for breaking this law included fines or imprisonment.  Federalists passed this law to stop political opposition and to keep Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson) from openly criticizing the government.  This act violates the 1 st Amendment  Americans begin to question the Federalist Party

9 Alien and Sedition Act

10 Yes or No ► Should a person be allowed to ignore a law that he or she feels is improper or inappropriate?

11 The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions ► Written by Thomas Jefferson (VP to Adams) and James Madison (Father of the Constitution) in protest of the Alien and Sedition Acts. ► The resolutions said that Kentucky and Virginia would not follow the Alien and Sedition Acts. ► This was the first time that the states attempted to ignore a federal law.  This is called nullification. ► The resolutions violated the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution (Article VI)

12 Kentucky and Virginia Resolution

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