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Blogging to Better Writing Improving Writing Skills and Fostering Collaboration with Web 2.0 Tools Rosalind M. Hardin, Teacher The Potter’s House Christian.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogging to Better Writing Improving Writing Skills and Fostering Collaboration with Web 2.0 Tools Rosalind M. Hardin, Teacher The Potter’s House Christian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogging to Better Writing Improving Writing Skills and Fostering Collaboration with Web 2.0 Tools Rosalind M. Hardin, Teacher The Potter’s House Christian Academy Middle School Language Arts & Media Specialist

2 Blog is short for “weblog” Online journal Interactive Communication tool Collaboration facilitator A place to develop writing skills What is a Blog?

3 Internet access Parental permission Alternative assignments Online safety guidelines/training A blogging platform A rubric What Do I Need to Blog?

4 Internet access Searchable vs. private sites Comment settings What Access is Involved?

5 Static home page Posts Widgets Categories Tags Comment area Anatomy of a Writer’s Blog

6 The teacher must know everyone’s user name and password at all times. No exceptions! Composing Post original student work Cite sources when applicable Comments No empty comments Stick to the issues! Constructive encouragement, not conversations What are the Rules?

7 Learning Management Systems Feed manager ( example: Netvibes) Teacher site Teacher should always know students’ usernames and passwords Option – Create student blog framework ahead of time Limit creativity (bells and whistles) initially to avoid increasing the chance that the actual assignment will not get done Define infractions and consequences before beginning class blogs Managing the Blogosphere

8 Hmmmmm… Your work is housed on someone else’s server. You are subject to their tech support limitations. You can only access your blog while connected to the Internet. Solutions Periodically print your work (to PDF to save paper). Test the site in different browsers to find which one cooperates the most. Keep an open mind. Part of the fun is exploring with the students and learning. Things To Consider When Using Web 2.0 Tools

9 What do we blog about? Writing prompts Journal entries go digital Work in progress option Paper first option Categories Let’s Get to the Writing Already!!

10 Two-fold rubric Define mastery at each level Clearly state expectations for writers and commenters Scoring Big

11 Create the main class blog. Set the parameters for the class blog and student blogs. Assign usernames and passwords for the students. Familiarize the students with the blogging interface: Discuss online safety. Discuss blogging rules and consequences. Demonstrate customizations and allow time for the students to enhance their blogs. Have students create an Introduction post to practice posting and giving/receiving comments. Write, read, comment, grow! How do I set up blogging for my students?

12 Kidblog – Weebly for Education - (teachers) (student login page)http://education.weebly.com Weebly Help Center - Wordpress - Online Learning Guide - Netvibes - http://netvibes.com Setting up Netvibes for your class - classroom/ classroom/ Sample Netvibes Dashboard - Blogging Resources

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