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Marissa D’Amico and Victoria Garcia. Cells get oxygen when you breathe and the oxygen is carried through the bloodstream and then makes its way to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Marissa D’Amico and Victoria Garcia. Cells get oxygen when you breathe and the oxygen is carried through the bloodstream and then makes its way to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marissa D’Amico and Victoria Garcia

2 Cells get oxygen when you breathe and the oxygen is carried through the bloodstream and then makes its way to the cell that needs it. Cells get nutrients when the body eats carbohydrates and digests them The nutrients are taken out of the food and then travels through the bloodstream and then to the cells. ANSWER move to reveal answer

3 Cells release waste that is taken to travel throughout the blood stream. Next, it goes to the kidney so the blood crates can be cleaned and can take out the waste, and then to the bladder to deliver it out of the body. ANSWER The cell turns sugar and fat into energy by using oxygen that is inhaled by the lungs. This is also helped by the heart, which pumps blood throughout the body. In this process it also produces carbon dioxide. It then releases the carbon dioxide so it has room for the oxygen inside the cell. When a certain part of the body decreases in the amount of energy that it has, it releases carbon dioxide to make more room for oxygen. The oxygen received by the cells then send the carbon dioxide into the blood stream and then through the lungs and out the mouth. ANSWER move to reveal answer Carbon dioxide out

4 Respiratory System Contains Trachea- epithelial tissue, blood tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue lungs- muscle tissue, blood tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue Circulatory System Contains heart- muscle tissue, blood tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue Skeletal System Contains Skull, Vertebrates, and Rib Cage- bone tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue Nervous System Contains Brain and Spinal Cord - nerve tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue Muscular System Contains Muscles- muscle tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue ANSWER move to reveal answer

5 What happens if the cells don’t receive oxygen is that the cell wont be able to function properly, therefore affecting the tissues, organs, and the whole entire organ system. Without every requirement that a cell needs, multiple things can go wrong throughout the body. Even the most basic needs can determine such a result. Anemia – this is when you red blood cells are not getting nutrients and make the body feel tired and isn’t capable of doing simple tasks. This is caused by a lack of nutrients and oxygen. ANSWER move to reveal answer

6 Elaboration-This video shows an example of the circulatory system, what it contains, and how it functions by using oxygen and nutrients.

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