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SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY SUBJECT REVIEW Schedule: Friday 12.30 – 14.15 WIB, Room By Dr. Fitria Rahmawati ( Research Group of Solid State & Catalysis.

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Presentation on theme: "SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY SUBJECT REVIEW Schedule: Friday 12.30 – 14.15 WIB, Room By Dr. Fitria Rahmawati ( Research Group of Solid State & Catalysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY SUBJECT REVIEW Schedule: Friday 12.30 – 14.15 WIB, Room By Dr. Fitria Rahmawati ( Research Group of Solid State & Catalysis )

2 Introduction a brief history of solid state electrochemistry

3 Solid Electrolyte Electrolyte is a substance that conduct electricity through the movement of ions Figure. Some examples of solid electrolyte application

4 Ionic vs electronic conductivity Metals ▫Conductivity Range = 10 S/cm <  < 10 5 S/cm ▫Electrons carry the current ▫Conductivity Increases linearly as temperature decreases (phonon scattering decreases as T  ) Solid Electrolytes ▫Conductivity Range = 10 -3 S/cm <  < 10 S/cm ▫Ions carry the current ▫Conductivity decreases exponentially as temperature decreases (activated transport)

5 Figure. electrolysis of NaCl solution

6 Figure. Scheme of defect in crystal structure


8 Ionic Doping into solid materials

9 Na NaNaCl Cl ClCl Ionic migration Ag AgAgCl Cl ClCl Ag 2 Ag 1 AgAg Cl Cl

10 Thermodynamics of conduction

11 Glassy Electrolyte


13 Electrode and interface phenomena at electrode-electrolyte

14 Some applications Battery:


16 Fuel Cell

17 Solid electrolyte for sensor

18 Scoring : Mid test: 30 % Structured work: 30 % Final test: 40 % Minimun attending: 80 %


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