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Indian SEO Company Web:

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Presentation on theme: "Indian SEO Company Web:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indian SEO Company Web: Email: info@indian-seo-company.com

2 At first you should know that what is exact match domain? Exact Match Domains are also known as EMDs that contain the exact keyword or phrase in domain name. Example of Exact Match Domain:

3 Suppose you like to register a website domain for your personal use or business purpose then the first essential thing you do is thinking about your targeted keyword. After selecting your targeted keyword you visit a domain registration site and search with your selected keyword to check if it is available for registration or not. If the domain is available with your particular keyword then you consider that the domain is best for you.

4 Ask Yourself these Questions:

5 Google Guru Matt Cutts recently announced on Twitter that Google introduced an algorithm that will target low quality Exact Match Domains to prevent them rank well in the Google search results. He also said that this update will affect on 0.6% of English-US queries. He has two Tweets on this matter.

6 So after this Google algorithm update, will you consider keywords or phrase of keyword as a domain name for your webpage? Some Suggestions about domain name selection by leading SEO company in India.SEO company in India  Domain name may be the name of your company or your main brand name.  Do not select your company name after selecting keywords. At first select your company name then make it branded. Just think about Google, before starting Google we did not know about this word even it was not in dictionary. But now it is caring a brand.

7 Website : http://www.indian-seo-company.com E-mail : Phone No. : +91-33-40200838 Address : Y8, Block - EP, Sector V Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091 INDIA


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