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Read the following football report and answer the questions The game of the season this year has to be when Spurs beat Chelsea 2-1 at White Hart Lane.

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Presentation on theme: "Read the following football report and answer the questions The game of the season this year has to be when Spurs beat Chelsea 2-1 at White Hart Lane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the following football report and answer the questions The game of the season this year has to be when Spurs beat Chelsea 2-1 at White Hart Lane. Tottenham were on top form, their heroic players totally outclassing Chelsea’s overpaid players. The Spurs players were better then Chelsea all over the pitch, but particularly with Aaron Lennon. The second Spurs goal came about as Lennon completely fooled Chelsea’s “England” full back Ashley Cole before slamming in a beautiful goal. Which team do you think the person who wrote this supports? Write down 3 things which suggest this. Do you think this is exactly what happened? When we look at a historical source what do you think we have to consider, apart from what it shows us?

2 How useful is a picture in finding out about the death of Lady Jane Grey? TLO: Lesson 1: What did the Victorians think about Lady Jane Grey Lesson 2: How did the Victorians adapt the picture of Lady Jane Grey

3 Lady Jane Grey – The 9 Day Queen After the death of Henry’s only son, Edward VI, England was ruled for a short period by Lady Jane Grey – his great niece Edward had said he wanted her to be Queen as she was Protestant like him However, Bloody Queen Mary had her arrested and executed

4 1.Describe what you can see 2.What impression do you get of the young woman? 3.What tricks has the artist used to make you feel like that? The Execution of Lady Jane Grey in 1554, painted by Delaroche in 1834

5 Is this an accurate representation? When was the execution of Lady Jane Grey? When was the painting painted? Do you think it is likely to be accurate? How can we assess whether it is accurate?

6 What was the Victorians view of Lady Jane Grey? Read the two extracts from Victorian books Write down at least 3 words the Victorians use to describe Lady Jane Grey What does this tell us about their view of Lady Jane Grey?

7 Why did the Victorians like Lady Jane Grey? Read the list of things that Victorians liked their women to be Then read the facts about Lady Jane Grey Why do you think the Victorians liked Lady Jane Grey? Use as many of the words on the list as possible to explain your answer Obedient Quiet Religious Protestant Innocent Married Beautiful Child-like Interested in the home

8 Do you think this picture will be accurate? Do you think this picture will be showing exactly what happened? Why might the artist have exaggerated it?

9 1.Describe what is happening in this picture in detail? 2.When was this picture painted? 3.Why might it not be accurate?

10 What does the Tudor evidence suggest about Lady Jane Grey? Read through the Tudor evidence about Lady Jane Grey What differences are there between the Tudor evidence and the picture of Lady Jane Grey?

11 What did Lady Jane Grey look like? Look at the portrait of Lady Jane Grey Read the extract about what she looks like In what ways are they the same as the painting? In what ways are they different to the painting?

12 In what ways is this picture the same as the extract? In what ways is this picture different to the extract?

13 What was the execution of Lady Jane Grey like? Read the extract about the execution of Lady Jane Grey In what ways is the extract the same as the painting? In what ways is the extract different to the painting?

14 How did Delaroche make Lady Jane Grey into the perfect Victorian woman? Look back at the painting Think about what Delaroche has done to make Lady Jane Grey into the perfect Victorian woman Fill in the table explaining how he achieved this

15 What have we learned? What did the painting suggest about Lady Jane Grey? Can we completely trust what the painting shows us? Why might it not show the complete truth?

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