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1 Course Selection 2016/2017. COURSE SELECTION PROCESS 1. Info from Careers & Counsellors 2. Research: Read Course Descriptions (online) Check Pre-Requisites.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Course Selection 2016/2017. COURSE SELECTION PROCESS 1. Info from Careers & Counsellors 2. Research: Read Course Descriptions (online) Check Pre-Requisites."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Course Selection 2016/2017

2 COURSE SELECTION PROCESS 1. Info from Careers & Counsellors 2. Research: Read Course Descriptions (online) Check Pre-Requisites Graduation Requirements Post-Secondary Requirements 3. Consult: Parents (Parent Night: Thur. March 10) Counsellor or Career Advisor 2

3 4. Entering Courses  Enter on Parent Connect (not Student Connect) – ask office for password  Choose 8 courses and 2 alternates (# in order of importance)  Input Mar. 10 th – Mar. 14th  If you click “Final” then you’ve locked in your choices, and need to call the office to “un-Save” them 3

4 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Average student graduates with 96 – 100 credits (some up to 120) *each course = 4 credits* MINIMUM 80 CREDITS 4

5 REQUIRED COURSES (*Prov. Exam)  a Math 10 *(20%)  a Math 11  Socials 10  Socials 11 *(20%)  Science 10 *(20%)  a Science 11  PE 10  Planning 10  English 10 *(20%)  English/Com 11  English* or Com 12* (40%)  3 other Grade 12 Courses  Grad Transitions 12 5 See handout on back of worksheet

6 Gaining Credits (Gr.10-12)  Delview Courses  Online Courses  Summer School  Previous School  External Credits:  Music, Dance,…  Drivers Ed Course  Sports (Regional+)  Cadets, Lifeguard,…  Work Experience or Apprenticeship  Language Challenge  Register in October, write in Jan/Feb  Language from other country  Gr. 7-9 schooled in another language  (gr. 6-8 for Korea) 6

7 DELTA ACADEMIES Baseball - Sands Dance - Delta Sec Dance - Delta Sec Film - Acting - Ladner Film - Acting Film - Production – Ladner Film - Production Golf-Seaquam and T. Spring Club Hockey - Burnsview Hockey - South Delta Lacrosse - Delta Sec Opera & Performance – Delta Sec Opera & Performance – Delta Sec Soccer – Sands and South Delta Sands Soccer – Sands and South Delta Softball – Seaquam & Delta Sec NEW: Farm School – Boundary Bay 7

8 English English 10 Communications 12 English 12 Literature 12 (2016-17) Communications 11 Writing 12 (2017-18) English 11 8 We advise you choose Engl or Com based on Teacher Recommendation These 2 courses alternate years.

9 Social Studies 10 Social Studies 11 or BC First Nations 12 History 12 Law 12 Psychology 11 Socials Psychology 12 Geography 12 9 Comparative Civilization 12 (not UBC) Economics 12

10 Science Biology 12 Biology 11 Science 10 Sci & Tech 11 Teacher Recommended Chemistry 12 Chemistry 11 Earth Science 11 Physics 12 Physics 11 Geology 12 C+ 10 Environ Science 11

11 Math Math 8 Math 9 AW. Ma. 10 Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 AW Math 11 Pre-Calculus 11 Pre-Calculus 12 Foundations Math 11 Foundations Math 12 Calculus 12

12 12 Math Pathways Foundations **For MOST college/university-bound students** 5-6 hours homework per week For post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include: –Relations & Functions –Financial Math –Geometry –Measurement –Number, Logical Reasoning –Statistics & Probability

13 13 Math Pathways Apprenticeship & Workplace 3-4 hours homework per week Good for entry into majority of trades and other jobs in the work force. Topics include: –Measurement –Geometry –Algebra –Number –Statistics & Probability

14 14 Math Pathways Pre-Calculus **80% and higher recommended 8-10 hours homework per week For post-secondary studies in programs that require the study of theoretical calculus (Engineering, Commerce, Medicine ) Topics include: –Algebra & Number –Relations & Functions –Trigonometry –Permutations –Combinations & Binomial Theorem –Measurement

15 15 How To Pick Math Course Talk to your teacher: Which course(s) can you succeed in? Talk to your counsellor: Do your career goals and math interests/aptitude match up? Discuss how you can change paths in university so you don’t need to leave every door open now. Talk to your parent: Discuss how to meet the grad requirement for Math 11 and university entrance requirements without torturing yourself.

16 Languages French 8 French 9 French 10 Intro. Spanish 11 (SFU) Spanish 11French 11 Spanish 12 French 12 16

17 BUSINESS  KEYBOARDING 11  Typing (like KB 9)  APPLIED DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS 11  Office programs like spreadsheets, databases (like IT 10)  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 11/12  Media, web design, and programming 17 CANCELLED

18 BUSINESS  ACCOUNTING 11/12  Keeping track of financial records  ECONOMICS 12  Looking at how people make decisions  Using incentives to change behaviour  ENTREPRENEURSHIP 12  Starting your own business  MARKETING 12  Consumers and the art of selling 18

19 Home EconomicsPhysical Education  Foods 11/12  Work in groups  Plan meals  Nutrition  Family Studies 12  Families  Human Development  Personal Growth  Relationships  PE 11/12  co-ed  PE 11/12 Girls Fit For Life 19

20 Technology Education  Aboriginal Woodwork 11/12  Creative woodwork based on First Nations culture & traditions  Carpentry and Joinery 11/12  Woodwork  Furniture, cabinets..  Drafting and Design 11/12  Computer aided architectural design  Electronics  Electrical circuits & components  Metalwork 11/12  Welding, machining, sheet metal…  Metal Art  Smaller metal art projects, may include jewelry, sculptures, castings… 20

21 Visual Arts  Media Arts 11/12  Video production, camera, photoshop…  Computer Animation 11/12a/12b  3D modelling & animation  Project-based  Film & TV  Group  Multimedia and film projects  Graphic Design  Individual  Computer and graphic design (Photoshop, Flash), digital photography  Yearbook  X-Block after school  Full year commitment  Should have Media/Graphic experience 21

22 Visual Arts (cont.)  Art foundations 11/12  2D and 3D  Drawing & Painting 11/12  2D  Ceramics & Sculpture 11/12  3D 22

23 Performing Arts DramaMusic  TP: Acting 11/12  Theatre Company 11/12  X-Block  Theatre Production 11/12  X-Block  Set design, lighting, sound  Directing & Scriptwriting 11/12  X-Block  Acting Experience  Junior Band 11  Senior Band 11/12  Guitar 11/12 – no experience needed New:  Show Choir 11/12 (Glee)  Mr. Turpin  Vocal w/Choreography 23

24 Help Others Get Help  Leadership 11/12  Application form  X block: lunch meetings  Events  Ms. Schalk/Ms. Miller  Peer Tutoring 11/12  Application Process  Get form from Counsellor or LA teacher  Aptitude & Reliability  Library 11  Operating the library center  Dependable, independent  There are assignments too  Strategies for Learning 11/12  LA/LD  There is a process for being referred  ELL 11/12  Speak to Ms. Stevens if you need more ELL courses next year 24

25 “In-Lieu” Study BlocksGrade 12 Study Blocks  Students are expected to take 8 courses (or 4 if graduating in one semester).  X-blocks can be 8 th or 9 th courses for gr.11/12’s  Grade 11/12 students who are taking an X-block, can have another block off in lieu; we will try to put that in-lieu block in 2 nd semester. If so, the X-block cannot be dropped.  If a gr.12 student is scheduled to graduate with well over the minimum 80 credits, then one study block will be permitted.  A gr.12 student can apply for a 2 nd study block if he/she is taking 5 or more grade 12 academic courses (that count for university entrance; not online or WEX) – see your counsellor for the form – to be approved by the Principal. 25

26 26 NOTE  Gr.11 courses are often prerequisites for Gr.12 courses, so plan ahead  Make informed and realistic requests  (1) Grad Requirements, then (2) Post Secondary requirements  Keep Counsellor informed of changes & plans (ex. Summer School, online)

27 Exploration –10,000+ Careers –Discover Your Strengths & Passions –Explore New Courses at High School & Post- Secondary –Keep Eyes Open and Feet Moving Build on skill deficits - How are your technology and people skills? 27

28 Keys to Employability  Personal Values  Attitudes & Motivation  Problem Solving & Decision Making Skills  Seek out answers, find solutions  Ability to Relate with People  Friendly, empathic, polite  Task-Related Skills  Complete work on time  Maturity  Reliable, good effort  Commitment to the Job  Enthusiasm, willing to learn  Communication Skills  Listening, Speaking clearly 28

29 SELECTING COURSES  PARENT CONNECT PARENT CONNECT  8 choices + 2 alternates  Gr.12’s can choose a Study as the 8th, but best to wait and see how your schedule ends up (add Study later)  Can choose Yearbook, Theatre Co., or Band as an 8 th or 9 th course  Online courses and WEX12 do not count in your 8  Peer Tutoring requires an application as well  Strategies (LA/LD) courses – there is a process if you want this extra support – see Counsellor 29

30 PICK YOUR COURSES  Parent Connect opens Mar 10, closes March 14  Forgot Password? Ask at Office  Parent Night – March 10 th at 6:30pm  Link to Course Planning Guide Link to Course Planning Guide 30

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