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Lesson 6-2 Parallelograms.

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1 Lesson 6-2 Parallelograms

2 Parallelogram Definition:
4/28/2017 Parallelogram Definition: A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel. C B A D Naming: A parallelogram is named using all four vertices. You can start from any one vertex, but you must continue in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. For example, this can be either ABCD or ADCB.

3 Properties of Parallelogram
B Properties of Parallelogram P D C 1. The opposite sides are congruent. 2. The opposite angles are congruent. 3. Each pair of consecutive angles is supplementary. 4. Diagonals bisect each other. P is the midpoint of

4 Examples H K M P L Draw HKLP. If HK = _______ and HP = ________ .
m<K = m<______ . m<L + m<______ = 180. If m<P = 65, then m<H = ____,m<K = ______ and m<L =____. Draw in the diagonals. They intersect at M. If HM = 5, then ML = ____ If KM = 7, then KP = ____ If HL = 15, then ML = ____ If m<HPK = 36, then <PKL = _____ . PL KL P P or K 115° 115° 65 5 units 14 units 7.5 units 36

5 Proving a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram
Lesson 6-3 Proving a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram

6 5 ways to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
1. Show that both pairs of opposite sides are || . 2. Show that both pairs of opposite sides are ≅ . 3. Show that one pair of opposite sides are BOTH ≅ and || . 4. Show that both pairs of opposite angles are ≅. 5. Show that the diagonals bisect each other .

7 Examples …… Example 1: Find the value of x and y that ensure the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. y 6x = 4x+8 2x = 8 x = 4 y² = y (y *y = y) y = 1 6x 4x+8 Find the value of x and y that ensure the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Example 2: 2x + 8 = 120 2x = 112 x = 56 5y = 180 5y = 60 y = 12 (2x + 8)° 120° 5y°

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