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Energy and Matter Flow through Ecosystems. All stable ecosystems need a supply of energy Autotrophs are able to take inorganic compounds from the environment,

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Presentation on theme: "Energy and Matter Flow through Ecosystems. All stable ecosystems need a supply of energy Autotrophs are able to take inorganic compounds from the environment,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy and Matter Flow through Ecosystems

2 All stable ecosystems need a supply of energy Autotrophs are able to take inorganic compounds from the environment, and use energy to build organic compounds Inorganic: (H 2 O, CO 2, NH 3 ) Organic:(carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids)

3 Types of Autotrophic Nutrition Chemosynthesis uses energy from geothermal sources (volcanic vents, geysers) Photosynthesis uses energy from the sun: 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O  C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 Carbon + Water  Glucose + Oxygen dioxide (sugar)

4 Autotrophs / PRODUCERS / Plants Heterotrophs / CONSUMERS Heterotrophs must eat already formed organic material These type of organisms include: Bacteria Fungi Animals

5 Types of Heterotrophs: Plant Eaters: First organisms in a food chain THAT EAT Primary consumers Herbibovores  Examples: Animal Eaters: Eat primary consumers Secondary consumers Carnivores  Examples: Top Predators: Last step in any food chain Hunt and kill prey Tertiary consumers  Examples:

6 Food Chains Follow ONE path of energy and materials through an ecosystem MUST begin with autotrophs Arrows point to where energy & nutrients go Limited in length because energy is lost at each step

7 Examples of Food Chains:

8 Food Webs Represent many possible paths of energy and nutrients in an ecosystem Again, arrows point to organisms that receive nutrients and energy Illustrate the interconnectedness of organisms Allows you to predict the results of one of the populations changing

9 Examples of Food Webs:

10 `

11 Food/Energy/Biomass Pyramids Show the relative amounts of each type of organism Populations must get smaller as you move up the pyramid, due to loss of energy 90% of energy is “lost” Only 10% is passed on to the next level If populations in a lower level drop, levels above it will be effected

12 Examples of Food Pyramids:

13 Biomagnification Since energy is lost at each level, matter, including toxins become concentrated in the upper levels.



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