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Chapter 18, Lesson 2 Radicals Take Control. African American Rights South passed black codes to control freed slaves They couldn’t own or rent farms Didn’t.

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1 Chapter 18, Lesson 2 Radicals Take Control

2 African American Rights South passed black codes to control freed slaves They couldn’t own or rent farms Didn’t get fair wages Civil Rights Act of 1866 overturned Dred Scott case (became citizens)

3 14 th Amendment States lose representation in Congress for not allowing All people entitled to due process & equal protection of laws Confederate leaders couldn’t hold state or nat’l office unless pardoned

4 Impeachment Tenure of Office Act-President couldn’t remove gov’t officials w/o Senate’s approval Johnson suspended Sec of War Edwin Stanton House of Reps voted to impeach: formally charge w/ wrongdoing 1868 went to Senate for trial Didn’t get 2/3 majority it needed

5 15 th Amendment Right to vote can’t be denied because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude Election of 1868 Republicans nominated Ulysses S Grant Democrats nominate NY Gov. Horatio Seymour

6 Radical Republicans Grant wins Americans support Radical Reconstruction After 15 th Amendment passed Rep. thought their job was done Blacks could vote and protect themselves against discrimination Too optimistic

7 President Grant

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