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FIRST REVIEW MEETING, Brusells, 16-12-2014 T2.6 - Renewable energy production data capturing module.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRST REVIEW MEETING, Brusells, 16-12-2014 T2.6 - Renewable energy production data capturing module."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIRST REVIEW MEETING, Brusells, 16-12-2014 T2.6 - Renewable energy production data capturing module

2 Task introduction Analysis Input data Design of the module Validation Pilot configuration Conclusions Outline

3 Introduction The main goal of the Task 2.6 is to develop a module to collect data about energy produced by the renewable energy sources that are available in each pilot city.

4 Analysis The design specifications of the energy production module take into account the existence of particular facilities in the pilot cases as well as the possibility of including future new facilities in the future. The energy production module is a service consisting of two parts: 1.a connector that collects data of a production facility directly from an IT system 2.a data processor that sends the data provided by the connector to the DSS The connectors are strongly related to the production facility which is being monitored. The data processor encompasses the generic methods to perform a pre-processing of the data obtained from each connector. Data are formalized in accordance with the ontology being developed in Task 3.1 Semantic Framework For Data Integration. The connectors are strongly related to the production facility which is being monitored. The data processor encompasses the generic methods to perform a pre-processing of the data obtained from each connector. Data are formalized in accordance with the ontology being developed in Task 3.1 Semantic Framework For Data Integration.

5 Input data The input data depends on the monitoring system which is retrieving data from the facilities. There is a lack of standardization. Because of this, it is difficult to apply the same connector to different pilots, unless they use the same information system to retrieve data. As a result of this diversity in the descriptions of the monitoring data, two different connectors have been implemented: Sunny Web Portal system Data obtained from the sensors installed in the buildings in Sant Cugat. Three power production sensors (Watts) and by one solar radiation sensor (Watts/m2). The samples are provided per hour within a range of 24 hours. Sunny Web Portal system Data obtained from the sensors installed in the buildings in Sant Cugat. Three power production sensors (Watts) and by one solar radiation sensor (Watts/m2). The samples are provided per hour within a range of 24 hours. Savona FTP server a set of files generated day after day in a plain-text format similar to the CSV. four columns with values for the date, time, radiation and power generated by the photovoltaic plants Savona FTP server a set of files generated day after day in a plain-text format similar to the CSV. four columns with values for the date, time, radiation and power generated by the photovoltaic plants DATE;TIME;PV RADIANCE;PV ACTIVE POWER; 06-10-2014;00:00:00;2,85;0,00 06-10-2014;00:15:00;2,70;0,00 06-10-2014;00:30:00;2,85;0,00 06-10-2014;00:45:00;2,55;0,00 06-10-2014;01:00:00;2,85;0,00 06-10-2014;01:15:00;2,85;0,00

6 Design of the module The diversity of data sources has led to the creation of different connectors for each facility in each pilot city The module has been designed to operate as an application service which is invoked by a job schedule to carry out the data capture from a data source and to send data to the DSS modules in one single operation. Each connector is customized with the parameters included in a configuration file: Publish and subscribe server URL: it specifies the “publish and subscribe” server address Connector name: the type of connector. For example, FTP or Web address Data Source URL: the data source address according to the type of connector User Name and Password: use account for accessing to the data source (e.g. FTP) Days offset: the number of days in relation to the current date. For example, setting the value “2 days offset” means that the data to be retrieved is from two days ago Range of dates: the dates between the data will be captured. If this field is specified, the "days offset" parameter will be ignored Stream names: the name of the stream channels which must suit the names specified in the Ztreamy server to synchronize the data. Each data capturing module publishes their data through specific streams

7 Design of the module Specific Connector Energy Production Module (data flow) Pilot facilities (Data Sources) Configuration file Read Conf. Specific Connector … Read Data Source Generation of RDF data Data processor (Publisher) (Log) Ztreamy Server Module architecture The connectors get the data from a specified data source to formalize them in a RDF graph according to the domain of ontology designed for the OPTIMUS project. The Data processor facilitates the communication between the module and the DSS. This way, the measurement data formatted in RDF triples is sent to the DSS using the Ztreamy client. Module architecture The connectors get the data from a specified data source to formalize them in a RDF graph according to the domain of ontology designed for the OPTIMUS project. The Data processor facilitates the communication between the module and the DSS. This way, the measurement data formatted in RDF triples is sent to the DSS using the Ztreamy client.

8 Design of the module OPTIMUS ontology which integrates the Semantic Sensor Network and SEMANCO ontology

9 Design of the module ssn:observedBy. ssn:observationResult. ssn:observationResultTime. ssn:hasValue "6979.434"^^xsd:decimal. ssn:observedBy. ssn:observationResult. ssn:observationResultTime. ssn:hasValue "6979.434"^^xsd:decimal. ssn:observedBy. ssn:observationResult. ssn:observationResultTime. ssn:hasValue "0.283"^^xsd:decimal. ssn:observedBy. ssn:observationResult. ssn:observationResultTime. ssn:hasValue "0.283"^^xsd:decimal. RDF triples for modelling power produced in a PV panel RDF triples for modelling solar irradiation produced in a PV panel

10 The energy production data capturing module has been implemented using the Python language. A PyCharm application has been used to edit the scripts. Besides, some libraries have been used to facilitate some of the operations. For example, a FTP library has enabled simplify the code to retrieve data. Design of the module

11 The module has been validated with the Sant Cugat and Savona energy production facilities Validation Plot view of energy power and solar radiation monitored in Sant Cugat pilot

12 The renewable energy production module has been setup in two pilots Pilot configuration [global] ztreamy_server= /optimus/ztreamy/ [connection_conf] web= rtValues.aspx pilot=sant_cugat connector=scrap_sunnyportal username=xxxx password=xxxx days_offset=2 interval=yes interval_date_init=3-10-2014 interval_date_end=6-10-2014 [streams] streams_pwr=santcugat_townhall_pv_power streams_irrad=santcugat_townhall_pv_irradiation [global] ztreamy_server= /optimus/ztreamy/ [connection_conf] web= rtValues.aspx pilot=sant_cugat connector=scrap_sunnyportal username=xxxx password=xxxx days_offset=2 interval=yes interval_date_init=3-10-2014 interval_date_end=6-10-2014 [streams] streams_pwr=santcugat_townhall_pv_power streams_irrad=santcugat_townhall_pv_irradiation [global] ztreamy_server=http://arcdev.housing.salle.u [connection_conf] ftp= pilot=savona connector=ftp_cvs username=Optimus password=Opt1mus2014 days_offset=2 interval=yes interval_date_init=3-10-2014 interval_date_end=6-10-2014 [streams] streams_pwr=savona_school_pv_irradiation streams_irrad=savona_school_pv_irradiation [global] ztreamy_server=http://arcdev.housing.salle.u [connection_conf] ftp= pilot=savona connector=ftp_cvs username=Optimus password=Opt1mus2014 days_offset=2 interval=yes interval_date_init=3-10-2014 interval_date_end=6-10-2014 [streams] streams_pwr=savona_school_pv_irradiation streams_irrad=savona_school_pv_irradiation Sant Cugat Savona

13 Conclusions The energy production module provides to the OPTIMUS DSS the energy production data captured from different systems. These renewable energy production systems are available in two cities Sant Cugat and Savona: the measurement of solar radiation and the measurement of the power produced. In both cases, the data have been obtained from photovoltaic plants. Information captured from these sources is provided in RDF following a global ontology schema and a “Publish and subscribe” sending model. However, other type of energy production sources could be added by creating the appropriate connector. The energy production module has been validated in real conditions. According to the validation results, the module performs well according to the requirements initially stated. The architecture of the module implemented supports the development of new connectors with a reduced effort.

14 Dr. Leandro Madrazo ARC Engineering & Architecture La Salle, Ramon Llull university Quatre Camins, 2 08022, Barcelona, SPAIN Tel. +34 93 290 24 49 Fax +34 93 290 24 20 E-mail: Álvaro Sicilia ARC Engineering & Architecture La Salle, Ramon Llull university Quatre Camins, 2 08022, Barcelona, SPAIN Tel. +34 93 290 24 49 Fax +34 93 290 24 20 E-mail:

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