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Monthly School Special Education Coordinator Meeting September 8, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Monthly School Special Education Coordinator Meeting September 8, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monthly School Special Education Coordinator Meeting September 8, 2014

2 Agenda Openings 5-day count P&Ps CPR Child Find Revocation Enrich Reminders Caseloads Reports Meetings to amend/adopt Resources Next meeting – Monday, September 15 2:30 Questions

3 Opening of Schools

4 5-Day Counts

5 5-day counts The 5-day count is the method we use to fund “first year schools.” Every other school is funded on last year’s 135-day count. Don’t be surprised.... “This list is ONLY for students being served under IDEA (a current IEP).” How do you serve a student? Parents must receive a Prior WRITTEN Notice prior to implementing the comparable services. Several of the kids who were listed were kids who did not receive a Prior WRITTEN Notice prior to the 5 th day. Think back to our summer training “prior written notice prior to implementing” For parents who did not attend – PWN must be dated out a few days For parents who did attend – PWN can be dated the day of the meeting (if they walked out with the PWN).

6 Policies and Procedures

7 Policies & Procedures Make sure you’ve used the most current version Must be the one that was posted Thursday, September 4 th These are school-specific procedures Assurances must be signed by school leader Due date is Wednesday, September 10 by 5:00 to your DSEC

8 Comprehensive Program Review (CPR)

9 CPR Verification comparable services meetings 30-day meetings Physical requirements Staff hired Service provision

10 CPR Comparable services meetings All should have been completed and have appropriate documentation in Enrich Services must be provided as per the comparable services meetings Data must be gathered in preparation for the 30-day meetings

11 CPR 30-day meetings Will review data and either adopt previous IEP (and transfer to our Enrich as SR) or write own IEP as AR or SR (IEP amendment with cover page) ALL changes must be driven by/supported by data

12 CPR Adequate room for service provision (consider confidentiality requirements) Secure file location Files in appropriate order with all required “paperwork” organized (either hard copy or in Enrich)

13 CPR Appropriate/adequate staff hired to provide services outlined in IEPs “shadow” SLT/SLP School psychologist OT PT VI teacher HI teacher

14 CPR due dates 9/15 for a review of comparable services 10/15 for a review of 30-day meetings Work with your DSEC to see how verification will take place

15 Child Find

16 How do parents and teachers know who to refer and how to refer Referral packets to DSECs Initial Evaluation and Eligibility process (more next Monday)

17 Initial Evaluation/Eligibility 1. Referral packet 2. Evaluation Planning meeting 3. Parent consent to gather additional information 4. Gather new info 5. Eligibility Determination 6. Parent consent for services 7. IEP

18 Evaluation/Eligibility This process is required by federal and state laws/regulations as well as by district and school procedures There are no short-cuts or steps you can skip Resources on the BookShelf Referral Process Description Quick Check Referral-Evaluation-Eligibility-IEP Enrich Referral to Eligibility

19 Parent Consent for eval or reeval Informed, written parent consent is required before the team can gather additional information to make initial evaluation or reevaluation decisions The only way for the parent to give informed, consent is for the team to meet first and determine what information is needed “Informed” means the parent is told what areas additional information is needed in and the only way to know that is for the team to meet, review existing information, and determine what areas additional info is needed in If you get parent consent signed before the team meets and makes these decisions, you have NOT gotten “informed” parent consent which is what the law requires you obtain

20 Parent consent You never get parent consent “just to cover all your bases” You only get parent consent for specific actions To provide initial special education services To gather additional information in specific areas for evaluation or reevaluation

21 BookShelf Although we never mind questions, please check the BookShelf before you call. Sample PWNs Walk-throughs/cheat sheets videos Quick Checks for process

22 Enrich

23 Start with an end product in mind What do you want the result of this action to be? The endYou don’t want the end result to be a meeting notice; a meeting notice is just an means to an end result is an IEP or initial evaluation for special education or a reevaluation Start with Add Action or Add IEP

24 Revocation

25 If a parent wants to revoke consent for ALL of the services IDEA (can’t revoke some of the services): Add Action in Enrich Revocation of Consent Print the form and send it home for signature. Once received: Go back into the Revocation form: Scan/upload the signed form as an attachment Complete all the questions, including the PWN (check text assist) Finalize Provide a copy of the PWN which includes the signed revocation form back to the parent End special education for the student – see cheat sheet on Bookshelf

26 The “30-day” meeting to amend or accept

27 The 30-day meeting to amend/accept/annual review the transfer IEP After you’ve gathered the data for the 30 days, it’s time to hold one of two meetings: Annual review - follow AR process Special review Regardless of what you are going to do (adopt, accept, annual review) – you have to “add IEP” and add the appropriate IEP type (we know that this will flag as an annual even if you are only amending/accepting): Follow the steps for an annual review, except: For times that you are amending/accepting the transfer IEP, you need to adjust the dates that have been auto-populated for you by Enrich (VERY IMPORTANT!!!!): Start Date: Planned End Date You still have your meeting options since it’s not an annual review (full meeting or in leu of a meeting) We’ll get a cheat sheet on the Bookshelf tomorrow.

28 Finalize

29 FINALIZE Special education teachers have the rights to finalize the IEP If you as the school-level special education coordinator do not want teachers to have these rights, you need to instruct your staff to follow the “school procedure” for notifying you, the special education coordinator, or the school’s data person, when they want an IEP finalized (we cannot customize roles to the school level).

30 Reports

31 Report Running Will work on cheat sheets for this, but look for “received” reports on your dashboard Will demonstrate now The video will be stopped for FERPA purposes

32 Signature Pages

33 Yes Annual Review Evaluation/Reeval Referral/Eval Planning Meeting Eligibility Determination for both initial eval and reeval No Special Review Transfer/Comparable Services Eval/Reeval Evaluation Document (2 nd step for both initial and reeval when additional data are requested – even though there is a place for signatures) Reval Review

34 Comparable Services

35 What do we do when we can’t get hold of the parent to complete comparable services? Comparable Services are determined through a “proper meeting” Proper meetings are either through a “full IEP” meeting or “parent/LEA agreement”. If you want to schedule parent/LEA agreement and you cannot get in touch with the parent, your only option is to schedule an IEP meeting. Meaning – full IEP team with proper notification to parent If parent responds to your notice – great! If parent doesn’t respond to your notice, make sure you’ve provided two notifications using two different methods then go ahead and hold the meeting without them. Watch your 5-day window for comparable services – if you can’t get the parent within the first day or so to do an LEA/parent agreement to amend without a meeting, go ahead and schedule a meeting DO NOT try for 5 days to get the parent, then realize you have to schedule a meeting

36 Outside Contractors

37 Outside Contractors and Enrich We have a process in place to add these folks to Enrich if you choose (email Kendall). We even have a special “role” for them. However - keep in mind that you are responsible for them meaning: You train them on Enrich before you request “live” access (let them play in the sandbox until you are comfortable with their skills and knowledge of Enrich) Ask Kendall for a “sandbox” account for them. You will be responsible for any entries they make into Enrich and they are susceptible to the same monitoring/oversight/audit logs as all staff.

38 Convert Between IEP Types

39 If you discover that a child needed a transition IEP instead of a 6-12: Let Kendall know Spot-check the age before opening a new IEP (look at top right corner)

40 Mistakes

41 Mistakes – not that you will ever make one There are two situations with mistakes: Paperwork has been sent to the parent and you realize you’ve made a mistake (forgotten something, put a wrong date, …but it was all discussed correctly during the meeting) Click amend on whatever form, fix, finalize, and send the updated documents to the parent with a note to explain the correction This assumes the correct information was discussed at the meeting, but you simply forgot to include it/or entered it incorrectly We assume ANY finalized document is part of the education file and the parent has received a copy of it Paperwork has not been sent to the parent For when you accidently finalize: Contact your DSEC and she will respond by granting you “administrative edit” rights for a predetermined amount of time (in order for you to make the corrections) Send home the information to the parent as usual

42 Enrich – Potpourri

43 Video will be stopped

44 Next Meeting Monday, September 15, 2014 at 2:30pm (same link)

45 Topics Initial evaluations Process Paperwork Enrich entries Reevaluations Process Enrich entries Developmental Delay reevaluations

46 Questions?

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