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Part 3 – Healing the Nobleman’s Son Jn. 4:46-54. Jerusalem Judea Samaria Galilee Cana Capernaum.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 3 – Healing the Nobleman’s Son Jn. 4:46-54. Jerusalem Judea Samaria Galilee Cana Capernaum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 3 – Healing the Nobleman’s Son Jn. 4:46-54

2 Jerusalem Judea Samaria Galilee Cana Capernaum

3 The Miracle- Jn. 4:46-54 v. 46 - Cana - Nobleman’s son was sick - Capernaum v. 47 - Heard about Jesus - miracles - Asked Jesus to come and heal his son - Was not a disciple of Jesus

4 v. 48 - Nobleman was not a disciple - Jesus knew his heart - Signs would cause him to believe v. 49 - Cried out for help – son was critical v. 50 - “Go your way; your son lives” - Man believed and went his way The Miracle- Jn. 4:46-54

5 v. 51-52 - Met his servant “Your son lives” - When did he get better? - Yesterday - 7 th hour v. 53 - Same hour - He believed and his whole house v. 54 - 2 nd miracle in Galilee The Miracle- Jn. 4:46-54

6 Explaining The Miracle  Men today interested in physical - 1 Tim. 5:8  Have More interest in spiritual welfare Eph. 6:4 – training and admonition Deut. 6:6-9 – teach to children Prov. 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

7  Had a pressing need - We need Salvation – Matt. 11:28-30 - Need Salvation for our families  Nobleman traveled about 20 miles  We must put forth an effort - Heb. 5:9 “And being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation unto all that obey Him” Explaining The Miracle

8  We must have faith to come to Jesus Heb. 11:6 – “without faith…” Jn. 8:24 – if believe not  Made a fervent plea / come and heal son  Must make a plea to the Lord Matt. 7:21 1 Jn. 5:14 Explaining The Miracle

9  Great Physician in Cana  Patient in Capernaum - 20 miles away  Power of Jesus not limited by distance Ps. 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Explaining The Miracle

10  He returned to his son  We must believe what Jesus says: Plan of Salvation Worship Christian Living Providential Care All in His word Explaining The Miracle

11  Went his way  Believed that his son was well  We prove our trust when we obey Him Explaining The Miracle

12 Lessons Learned Progress of the Nobleman’s faith Faith in Jesus as a healer Believed words of Jesus Son healed – believed Jesus / Messiah “whole house” believed

13 Learned that the Lord is:  Omnipotent  Omnipresent  Omniscient Lessons Learned

14  Miracle from a distance - man can throw words, pictures around world - Jesus can do more  Miracle confirmed and created faith - Father’s faith confirmed - Household had faith Lessons Learned

15 “He has done all things well” Mk. 7:37

16 GOD’S SIMPLE PLAN FOR SALVATION hear believe repent confess baptism ACTS 3:22 JN. 8:24 LK. 13:3 JN. 12:42 Acts 2:38 Rev. 2:10

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