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COACH HIGGINS’ U.S. HISTORY CLASS RULES. RESPECT Respect for property Keep your hands and feet off any objects that are not yours (folders, books, pencils,

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2 RESPECT Respect for property Keep your hands and feet off any objects that are not yours (folders, books, pencils, pens, materials, feet off desks, walls, etc) Keep your hands and feet off any objects that are not yours (folders, books, pencils, pens, materials, feet off desks, walls, etc) Pick up your garbage and not leave anything on the floor or on the desk Pick up your garbage and not leave anything on the floor or on the desk

3 RESPECT Respect for adults Listen to any adult(s) that are in the classroom and addressing the class. Listen to any adult(s) that are in the classroom and addressing the class. Acknowledge each adult with Mr., Mrs., Ms. or Coach and their last name. Acknowledge each adult with Mr., Mrs., Ms. or Coach and their last name. Talk to every adult in the classroom appropriately and not as if they were your “friend”. Talk to every adult in the classroom appropriately and not as if they were your “friend”. Ask questions that are appropriate to the subject matter and accept the answers gracefully without an argument. Ask questions that are appropriate to the subject matter and accept the answers gracefully without an argument.

4 RESPECT Respect for one’s self Come to class every day following the school’s dress code (shirt tucked in, ID on your neck, Khaki pants, shirt and tie/school polo, and appropriate school shoes) Come to class every day following the school’s dress code (shirt tucked in, ID on your neck, Khaki pants, shirt and tie/school polo, and appropriate school shoes) There will be no profanity or other rude comments and racial remarks There will be no profanity or other rude comments and racial remarks Pay attention and work to the best of your ability to help yourself grow as an individual. Pay attention and work to the best of your ability to help yourself grow as an individual. Come to class prepared with the necessary materials (book, notebook and a pen or pencil). Come to class prepared with the necessary materials (book, notebook and a pen or pencil).

5 RESPECT Respect for each other Treat each person the way you want to be treated. Treat each person the way you want to be treated. Listen to your classmates’ questions, ideas, and suggestions by being quiet, working together, and discussing in a positive manner. Listen to your classmates’ questions, ideas, and suggestions by being quiet, working together, and discussing in a positive manner. Address each student by their name Address each student by their name Respect the space between your fellow classmates by not pushing, shoving, touching, grabbing, hugging, kicking, etc, even if you are are joking around. Respect the space between your fellow classmates by not pushing, shoving, touching, grabbing, hugging, kicking, etc, even if you are are joking around.

6 LAWRENCE KOHLBERG All of the rules we went over can be achieved by simply “Behaving because it is the right thing to do.” (Self Discipline- Stage 4 of Kohlberg’s Discipline by Design Theory) All of the rules we went over can be achieved by simply “Behaving because it is the right thing to do.” (Self Discipline- Stage 4 of Kohlberg’s Discipline by Design Theory) Act like adults and you will be treated like adults Act like adults and you will be treated like adults

7 CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Failure to follow the classroom rules will result in punishment that I deem appropriate along with 0 behavior points for the day (more on this in a minute). Failure to follow the classroom rules will result in punishment that I deem appropriate along with 0 behavior points for the day (more on this in a minute). Minor disturbances will result in extra homework and punishment assignments Minor disturbances will result in extra homework and punishment assignments Major disturbances will result in detentions, expulsion from class and phone calls to parents Major disturbances will result in detentions, expulsion from class and phone calls to parents  All students are also responsible for abiding by the school rules and guidelines in the student handbook

8 BEHAVIOR POINT SYSTEM Each student will receive 1 point per day for good behavior that promotes a positive learning atmosphere Each student will receive 1 point per day for good behavior that promotes a positive learning atmosphere Points will be taken away at my discretion Points will be taken away at my discretion Points will be tallied up at the end of each trimester and a grade will be given that will be equivalent to 1 test score Points will be tallied up at the end of each trimester and a grade will be given that will be equivalent to 1 test score Students can earn 1 extra point each time you attend a varsity sporting event and sit in the student section Students can earn 1 extra point each time you attend a varsity sporting event and sit in the student section

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