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The Philippines Internet Culture Project Presentation -Stacie Bullock Picture From:

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Presentation on theme: "The Philippines Internet Culture Project Presentation -Stacie Bullock Picture From:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Philippines Internet Culture Project Presentation -Stacie Bullock Picture From:

2 Information about the Philippines Located in Southeast Asia Population: 94.01 million – 12 th highest population Size (area): 117,187 sq. mi. Flag from:

3 Capital: Manila Ethnic groups: Malay & Chinese Religion: – 80.9% Catholic – 5% Muslim

4 7,107 Islands Pictures from: philippines_24.html philippines_24.htmlAnd

5 Natural Disasters Volcanoes Typhoons Tsunamis Earthquakes Landslides Picture From:

6 Family Life

7 Education Primary School – (Ages 6-11) – Free – Mandatory – High attendance

8 Secondary School – Free – NOT mandatory – High drop-out rate – Not enough secondary schools for the amount of primary school graduates – Girls tend to stay in school longer

9 Nonverbal Communication Many Filipinos point by puckering their lips in the direction or person they are pointing to. A person standing with their hands on their hips can mean they are angry.

10 Social Differences “Saving face” is important Many Filipinos will not tell you “no” when answering a question even if that is really their answer It is best to address people from the Philippines by their title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.) followed by their last name. Speaking in a loud voice is considered taboo

11 People from the Philippines may be flexible about time and therefore may show up late. Filipinos often like to stand at an arms length from other people. However, many of them prefer an even greater distance when first meeting someone. During a conversation, touching between men and men, and women and women is normal. However, touching between men and women is limited.

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