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BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project Report progress National.

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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project Report progress National."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project Report progress National Level Policy and Governance Assessment for Marine and Coastal Resources ACSLME National Consultants Workshop Nairobi 18-19 January 2011 - Madagascar Report -

2 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project A- GENERAL Country Profile with reference to governance  relevant constitutional provisions (1 to 4 th Constitution): Malagasy constitution insists on the necessity to exploit renewable resources with rationality in order to “preserve them for the future generations”  The preamble of the Malagasy Constitution  Art. 35 (3 rd Cstt)  Art. 39 (3 rd Cstt)  Legislative process Few information available (search in process…)  To highlight participative/consultative processes Process for elaboration of action plans, and their development with different organizations Presentation of general instruments of execution including objectives and strategies of the Environmental National Politics Some different institutional arrangements REPORT PROGRESSION

3 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project REPORT PROGRESSION National Institutions responsible for implementing legislation and policy Process of legislation and policy implementation Description of national institutions conception, arrangement and commitment for the legislation and policy implementation Description of some national program related to legislation and policy implementation  Organigram for Government Agencies Organigram within the prime minister office Ministries component and its main changes  Highlighting bodies with regulatory authority and research parastatals in EACH sector Sitting of Agencies Where are they sited ? Description of bodies function and functionality outline in the organigram for Government Agencies Connection between bodies

4 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project B- NATIONAL RANGE ISSUES Maritime Zones including maritime boundaries  Historical/evolution of the institutional placement within the overall government structure French possession at the Mozambique Channel Current issue of Madagascar maritime zone: in particularly, the conflict between France/Madagascar and France/Comoros Evolution of the conflict International and institutional aspect for resolutions  Current Institutional structure - including consultative committees etc, and Role of private sector and involvement in governance/ community engagement (involvement) National approaches for enhancement of national sovereignty Process of implementation of the UNCLOS Description of national institutions for maritime administration and their bodies connexes Legislation of creation of each institutions and bodies REPORT PROGRESSION

5 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project  Legislation/policy/strategies Outline of legislation relative to Madagascar maritime zones (with references)  Membership of relevant international treaties Outline of treaties relative to maritime zones and its conservation signed and ratified by Madagascar. When available, national laws for ratification are given Figure of implementation of international treaties  Funding sources and level (how it has fluctuated over years) Main funding related to maritime zones and conservations descriptions and arrangement.  Gaps and need for harmonization - nationally and bi-laterally or regionally and internationally Still in thinking!!! They are so many, I have to priories and select…….. REPORT PROGRESSION

6 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project REPORT PROGRESSION 2- Fisheries and Mariculture (including protection measures)  Historical/evolution of the institutional placement within the overall government structure Description of fisheries and aquaculture values Highlighting program and action plans related to fisheries and aquacultures  Current Institutional structure - including consultative committees etc, and Role of private sector and involvement in governance/ community engagement (involvement) List of public and private sector involve on fishery management Structure of participation and integration

7 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project REPORT PROGRESSION  Legislation/policy/strategies Legislation List of relevant legislation and regulation of marine fisheries and aquacultures in Madagascar Status of legislation use on fisheries management Remark on confusion of some legislation content Strategy Outline of main fish production strategies  Membership of relevant international treaties Outline of treaties related to fisheries and its conservation, signed and ratified by Madagascar. Regional bodies membership  Funding sources and level (how it has fluctuated over years) List of international and regional funding related to fisheries: source and duration

8 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project REPORT PROGRESSION 3- Tourism  Historical/evolution of the institutional placement within the overall government structure Role of Madagascar environment (conservation program, exploitation impact) for tourism promotion Environmental institution responsible  Current Institutional structure, including consultative/cross-sectoral committees etc, Role of private sector, and involvement in governance/ community engagement (involvement) Structure of the National Committee of Tourism Development: Ministry of Finance, the Regional Development, the Ministry of Culture, the Public Works Department,… Recent actions of the committee Complementarities between private sector, civil society, NGOs and local communities for coordination of tourism activities on coastal zones. Role of MPA Creation of Office of Tourism and House of Tourism (decentralized structure)  Legislation/policy/strategies Main list of laws and rules of tourism The obligation to process the environmental impact assessment on tourism activities  Membership of relevant international treaties Outline of treaties related to tourism signed and ratified by Madagascar.

9 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project REPORT PROGRESSION 4- Oil and Gas  Historical/evolution of the institutional placement within the overall government structure History of oil and gas exploration in Madagascar: process and agreement Institutional intervention  Membership of relevant international treaties Two conventions listed

10 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project REPORT PROGRESSION 5- Parks and Wildlife Conservation  Historical/evolution of the institutional placement within the overall government structure Historical commitment of Madagascar for extending MPA surface: National politics from 2002 - 2012 Creation process of Madagascar System of Protected Area  Current Institutional structure, including consultative/cross-sectoral committees etc, Role of private sector and involvement in governance/ community engagement (involvement) Public policy (or politics?) on environment concern  Legislation/policy/strategies List of legislation Figure of legislation use  Membership of relevant international treaties/fulfilment of obligations Outline of treaties relative to maritime zones and its conservation signed and ratified by Madagascar. When available, national laws for ratification are given

11 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project 7- Coastal Zone Management Issues including Environmental Impact Assessment, Land Based discharges, Land tenure and Permitting issues/coastal mining  Historical/evolution of the institutional placement within the overall government structure Maintain of coastal diversity: Coral reefs, mangroves, coastal forests… The coastal integrated management in Madagascar Aspect of co-management on marine resource use  Current Institutional structure, including consultative/cross-sectoral committees etc, Role of private sector and involvement in governance/ community engagement (involvement) Execution of the new environmental politics Implementation of the Malagasy environment Charter  Legislation/policy/strategies List of environment legislation related to marine conservation Legislation for implementation of strategies REPORT PROGRESSION

12 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project REPORT PROGRESSION 6- Ports and Coastal Transport/Regulation of Shipping  Historical/evolution of the institutional placement within the overall government structure Administration and management of Malagasy harbors  Current Institutional structure, including consultative/cross-sectoral committees etc, Role of private sector and involvement in governance/ community engagement (involvement) Status of the institution responsible Source of funding Organigram Implication of the institution on the implementation of national politics in the domain of maritime preservation  Legislation/policy/ strategies Maritime code National legislation related to the implementation of the UNCLOS  Membership of relevant international treaties List of treaties related to maritime navigation and maritime conservation signed and ratified by Madagascar. Figure of implementation

13 BUILDING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGING AFRICAN MARINE RESOURCES Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project REMAIN TASK  On track Improvement of the explanation of relevant legislation for each sector Identification of legislations implementation indicators for the main components of P&G assessment Identification of gaps for each sector


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