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Tina, Luke, Kassidy, Savanna. History of Palestine Judea-former home of Jews, then conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine, then Arabs took over.

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Presentation on theme: "Tina, Luke, Kassidy, Savanna. History of Palestine Judea-former home of Jews, then conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine, then Arabs took over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tina, Luke, Kassidy, Savanna

2 History of Palestine Judea-former home of Jews, then conquered by the Romans and renamed Palestine, then Arabs took over and occupied the land for a thousand years Zionist movement started so the Jews could go back to Israel and get their land back, they ignored the Arabs already living their 1917 Britain was given control of Palestine so they could help build a home for the Jews Palestinians hated the fact that people were taking their land. As a result was they revolted Violence put a strain on Jews and Arabs

3 History Cont. After Holocaust was over there was even more pressure for Britain to create a state for the Jews. Britain allowed Jewish immigration to Palestine 1947- UN talked about this to the Arabs, they didn’t like it and war broke out Jews won, created their state and kicked out thousands of Palestinians. Arabs refused to believe/accept that there was an “Israel” created, or to try to make peace After this there were four more wars that broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982 (1967 the 6-day war happened so that the Arabs could get back what they’ve lost, but they lost fell under Israeli control)

4 Palestinian Rights PA (Palestinian authority) originally guaranteed freedom of assembly, but outrage and numerous protests against the Israeli view has gotten more and more police involved and trying to control the rallies Freedom of Press limited- Bunch of Palestinian Journalists killed, 2010 when limitation lifted a little and pro Fatah papers allowed the Hamas prevented them from being distributed Education controlled by Hamas, with Hamas trying to twist things so that Palestinian teachers can get in trouble EX: created propaganda with Palestinian teacher talking and teaching about a book that took humor in Private parts, Hamas destroyed 1,500 copies of the book

5 Palestinian Side They were there first and that means it’s theirs They still think that “Israel” is there’s not they Jews They want to have a state Feel that if they did happen to get their own state the West Bank and Gaza Strip would be a nice place to separate them(if using two-state solution) Believes that Israel's aim is n0t to reach and agreement, but just to control everything from the Mediterranean sea to the Jordan River.

6 Leaders east/1933453.stm Mahmoud Abbas- Fatah Party, doesn’t want any violence, and is working on getting a state for the Palestines by negotiating. Figure nations talk to even though not in office (powerful leader of Fatah) Nations can talk to him when negotiating peace because he’s not classified as a terrorist Aziz Duwaik- Hamas party, technically won office, but no one talks to him because he’s classified as a terrorist.

7 Works Cited "History." Israel Palestine Conflict. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.. "Human Rights in the Palestinian National Authority." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.. "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Issues in a Nutshell." Middle East: MidEastWeb. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.. "Israeli–Palestinian Conflict." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.. "President of the Palestinian National Authority." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 19 Mar. 2011..

8 What is Terrorism? Do both sides practice it? Terrorism is a use of violence, threatening citizens in order to attain goals that are religious, or political. I think both sides use terrorism in some way. In some Israeli towns the military can pull you over and do whatever they want to you with force.

9 What has been/should be done to stop terrorism in Israel/Palestine? They split the country and now the Jews have taken over almost all of it. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal to own a small country like Israel. Why can’t the Palestinians just leave and find somewhere else to go.

10 What are the goals of the terrorist groups? Their goals are too instill fear in people and they try and get their message across

11 What terrorist obstacles are standing in the way of a peace settlement. The Radical groups are killing each other. And hamas wants to destroy Israel.

12 Religion Expert Main religions: Islam, Judaism, Christianity. I think they should come to an agreement and have peace between each other, somehow. Similarities: They all believe in one god, or are monotheistic and they also believe that other spiritual beings are angels and demons. p:// usalem_oldcity.png&imgrefurl=http://wikitr

13 Religion Expert Religious Claims: Judaism- 4 premises. 1) God promised the land to the patriarch Abraham 2) the Jewish people settled and developed the land 3) the international community granted political sovereignty in Palestine to the Jewish people 4) the territory was captured in defensive wars. Islam: To lay further claim to the land they say any land where Muslim blood has been shed is Muslim land. Christianity: Christians believe that Jerusalem was the site of the 'last supper' and that Jesus was crucified near there. l/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/wpid-articles476.j

14 Religion Expert Things in the way of peace settlement: -Jews believe that God promised them Israel, as stated in the Torah. -Muslims believe their God, Allah, wanted them to own Israel which Muslims name, Palestine. p:// /images/jerusalem-panorama- 500.jpg&imgrefurl= middle_east/israel/jerusalem.html&usg=__9 l4Fz3Ewf092Zt--

15 Religion Citations "Brief History of of Palestine, Israel and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict (Arab-Israeli Conflict, Middle East Conflict)." Middle East: MidEastWeb. MidEastWeb for Coexistence RA., 1999. Web. 21 Mar. 2011.. "RELIGIOUS TIES TO THE HISTORIC LAND OF ISRAEL/PALESTINE." Aic-background. Web. 21 Mar. 2011..

16 Savanna Israeli Expert: What is Zionism? Zionism is the Jewish movement of renewal and rebirth in Israel sm.asp sm.asp What is persecution? Persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group by another group. Like race gender ect. How was Israeli made: In 1947 the international solution was for the Palestinians to receive the major portion of the divided territory, but the Jews gradually achieved concessions, until a "Green Line" was drawn, dividing the territory approximately into two, by means of four sectors which touched at one point, so that a Jew or Palestinian need not cross the other's territory in order to move from one of his two territories to the other. After the British forces moved out, the Jews declared independence for Israel and commenced a civil war to extend its area

17 When: 1947 Why was Israel established? : Israel was established for somewhere for the to go to get away from the holocaust ael ael Who are the current Israeli leaders? Arabic is the Israel. ArabicIsrael What Israeli obstacles are standing in the way of a peace settlement? The obstacles that stand in-between the peace settlement is the outbreak of hostilities and the disagreement because they both want all their way

18 Peace Plan Create a whole new state where everybody is same new nationality, everyone is a citizen of the new state (no one has to complain that they’re Arab or Jew) Basically Israel would have a new name (Vote on the name) They’d all have the same rights Secular nation, freedom of religion and choice New political party, that is between Fatah and Hammas where they would take no sides The new political party would believe in equal treatment of everyone. Only use violence if necessary

19 Peace Plan U.S. help reach an agreement with Hammas, where Hammas will not be an aggressive party anymore since Israel did get “destroyed” and that Hammas won’t disrupt the peace as long as the Fatah and the new political party don’t do anything to disrupt them. U.S. give them a deadline to agree, but the U.S. will pressure them into agreeing. U.S. will help by monitoring Hammas so that they don’t get out of turn.

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