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St Peter’s Primary All About Our School Working hard  We work very hard in school and our results are very good.  We create a happy, working environment.

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2 St Peter’s Primary All About Our School

3 Working hard  We work very hard in school and our results are very good.  We create a happy, working environment by negotiating a set of class rules with our teacher at the beginning of each school year.  Each term we study a different topic in which we learn about Our Health, People and our Personal and Social Development.  Last year P6/7 studied Global Citizenship and they took responsibility for contacting people by telephone or e- mail asking them to come and tell them about their work.

4 School Council 1.The school council meets every month. 2.It consists of three adults and six pupils. 3.The pupil members are two pupils from each of P5, P6 and P7 and the adult members are Mrs Galletly, Mrs Hogan and Mrs Jones 4. At the meetings they present ideas that children in our class have suggested. 5. They discuss these ideas and decide on which ones to use. 6. Each month they report back to our class on what happened at the meeting and we take votes on points that were raised.

5 The Curriculum  In our school we have some specialist teachers such as Mme Forbes, our French teacher and Mr Howie, our music specialist.  We have many computers in our class on which we practise Word processing, Database and Spreadsheet. Sometimes we create presentations like this one to deliver to others.We are also building our own websites and communicating via email in the safe environment of  Mme Forbes comes in every Wednesday afternoon and takes P6 and P7. We are doing the introducing others in French just now. At the end of last year we returned from a Paris trip where we put our French into practice.

6 Our Charity Work Bafut: Fr John, Our Parish Priest, worked for some time in the Cameroons in Africa. P7 organised fundraisers throughout the year and sent the magnificent sum of £200 to help the people there. SCIAF: Last Lent we collected for SCIAF. In that short time the school raised £350. P4 added £100 to that sum when they were preparing to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion Missio: We collect for Missio daily.Each pupil receives a card which is marked every time they give money.Last year we sent away a cheque for £800. Lepra: During our Global Citizenship Enterprise Campaign we invited Mrs Osborne from Lepra to visit us and tell us about the work Lepra do.We collected £42 for her and that will cure two people of Leprosy.

7 Helping Others We look after one another in school. Primary 7 pupils act as buddies for primary 1 and new children to the school. They remain a buddy for as long as the new child needs them and is settled with friends at school.  We all work hard to make our school ‘Bully Free’ and study an anti bullying topic at the beginning of every year. P7 take it in turns to go to the infant classes on Friday afternoons to assist them with their computer tasks.  We wrote a letter to Clare Short to ask her to negotiate with Tony Blair to reduce the Third World Debt. We think that children all over the world should have the same rights as we have.

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