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Colonialism: Effects. Review: Why did European powers want colonies? What problems did they encounter? What were some solutions to these problems?

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Presentation on theme: "Colonialism: Effects. Review: Why did European powers want colonies? What problems did they encounter? What were some solutions to these problems?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonialism: Effects

2 Review: Why did European powers want colonies? What problems did they encounter? What were some solutions to these problems?

3 Review: Why did European powers want colonies? God Gold Glory What problems did they encounter? Disease Competition from other Europeans Native resistance to colonizers Transportation What were some solutions to these problems? Cure for malaria Berlin Conference Better weapons Better boats

4 Discuss with your partner: What were some of the positive effects of colonialism on the colonies/native peoples? What were some of the negative effects of colonialism on the colonies/native peoples? Overall, was colonialism a positive or negative experience for colonized people???

5 Examine the picture. What is happening? Is this positive or negative for Africans?

6 French Africa 1913 - Colonizers forced subjects to pay taxes. People had to work for the colonizers in jobs like mining or farming cash crops to make the money to pay taxes. Most agriculture was focused on cash crops on plantations, not of food for people to eat, so sometimes there were food shortages even as food was exported to the colonial country.

7 Congo 1905 – When villages didn’t produce the amount of rubber required by the Belgian colonizers, the Belgians cut off the hands of adults and children. Belgians were upset, so control of the Congo passed from the king to the government.

8 Rhodesia 1957 – Queen Elizabeth inspects local troops.

9 Positive Effects: Social: * Education: Europeans (governments and missionaries) established schools * Medical care: In areas where colonizers set up clinics they helped prevent child death, immunized people and helped prevent disease Political: * Roads and infrastructure: Colonizers built roads, canals etc….but only where it helped them to extract resources.

10 Negative Effects: Social: * Treatment of natives: Colonizers often treated workers on plantations and in other jobs poorly. * Native Religion: Colonizers tried to convert natives to Christianity. * Native Culture: Colonizers tried to destroy traditional beliefs * Favoritism: Colonizers sometimes favored one ethnic group over another, giving them more privileges * Migration: Sometimes people were forced to move, which meant beliefs were lost and families/communities broken up Political: * Borders: Colonizers made borders for countries for their benefit – sometimes dividing ethnic groups into 2 or more countries or grouping together groups in one country who did not get along * Economic: Colonizers took resources for export not for local use and then sold back manufactured items at high costs. Profit went to colonizer not locals.

11 Today: 1.Work on Assignment 3. Complete the chart with positive and negative effects of colonialism (use the ‘Lesson 3’ PPT on Moodle and the websites provided. Write a persuasive paragraph in part 2 and upload to Moodle. 2.Finish Assignment 1 (maps on the front table.) Upload and hand in your map when finished. *Did you upload assignment 2?

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