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1 School-wide Positive Behavior Support PBIS Coaches’ Training Spring 2016 South Dakota MTSS External Coaches: Penny McCormick-Giles, Stephanie Weideman,

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Presentation on theme: "1 School-wide Positive Behavior Support PBIS Coaches’ Training Spring 2016 South Dakota MTSS External Coaches: Penny McCormick-Giles, Stephanie Weideman,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 School-wide Positive Behavior Support PBIS Coaches’ Training Spring 2016 South Dakota MTSS External Coaches: Penny McCormick-Giles, Stephanie Weideman, Crystal Mengenhausen, Kari Oyen, and Pat Hubert State Coordinator: Becky Cain

2 2 Objectives Today Review data collection TFI process Behavior data submission MTSS team process checklist Summer Training New/booster MTSS Conference

3 3

4 Critical Elements 1. PBS Team established (membership, meeting times, leader, roles, mission) 2. Basic behavioral principles taught/reviewed with staff 3. Faculty commitment is obtained and maintained throughout the school year 4. Existing discipline data system is meaningful, data entered weekly and analysis plan established 5. Discipline referral form compatible with SWIS 6. Behaviors defined & categorized (minor/major) 7. Discipline referral process established and flow chart developed 8. Develop a Crisis Plan integrated into overall safety and PBS plans 9. Consequences hierarchy developed (for classroom & office) 10. Expectations developed (3-5 positively stated) 11. Rules developed for specific settings 12. Lesson plans developed for teaching expectations/rules 13. Reward/recognition program established (what, when, how) Plans developed for training staff and students and involving families and community 15. Implementation plan established (what’s going to happen, when, how) 16. Evaluation of PBS activities (How are we doing? What needs to be modified, maintained or terminated?) 4

5 Activate Our Thinking! As a coach – what is one continuing practice that you have utilized to ensure FIDLEITY As a coach – what is one new practice that you utilized this year that has helped with FIDELITY 5

6 PBIS Coaches: Implementation Fidelity 6

7 7 Student Behavior Data Team/School Implementation Data

8 Data Points 1. Tiered Fidelity Inventory 2. Team Meeting Checklist 3. Student Behavior Data 8

9 9 Team/School Implementation Data

10 1. Tiered Fidelity Inventory fidelity measure core features of PBIS in all three tiers guide both implementation efforts and sustained use Tier I : Universal Features Tier II: Targeted SWPBIS Features Tier III: Intensive SWPBIS Features 10

11 1. TFI – Nationally Normed Once fidelity on a tier is met, shift to next level Fidelity Criterion on SWPBIS TFI SWPBIS Tier 1: 70% SWPBIS Tier 2: 80% SWPBIS Tier 3: 80% 11


13 2. Team Meeting Checklist What? Questionnaire Why? To make sure each team is functioning as a team Who? Each team member When? Fall (September-November), winter (January/February), spring (April-May) How? A link to the survey through Survey Monkey will be given to the teams 13

14 2. Team Meeting Checklist 14

15 Every meeting is an opportunity 15

16 16 3. Student Behavior Data

17 Behavior data collection Collected 1 st time this fall (November) Aggregate Student Behavior Data Collected via a Google Form 2 times per year (May) Please complete by May 20 17

18 18

19 The link to submit 19

20 20 Why is Program Evaluation Important? To gain an understanding of how the program is functioning “Are we really doing what we think we are doing?” To document program effectiveness “Is what we’re doing working?” To identify and examine strengths and weaknesses of the program Celebrate success Identify areas to improve

21 21 Areas of Evaluation 1.PBIS Team Functioning/Effectiveness 2.PBS Implementation The Action Plan Implementation Steps 3.Outcomes Discipline & Academic Data Staff, Student, and Parent Perceptions

22 22 Other Evaluation Tools  PBIS Meeting Evaluation  Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)  Team Process Survey  School Climate Survey  Staff Satisfaction Survey  Outcome Data Summary*  SET or TFI* *These will be collected by your state coordinator

23 Using Evaluation Results We use it! To measure OUR effectiveness To see where more support is You Can Use IT! Improve and expand PBIS Implement PBS at other levels (targeted, classroom, individual) Support the acquisition of additional resources Share with other schools/districts/states Identify and celebrate successes Identify areas that need improvement Data retreats/analysis


25 25 Summer Training

26 PBIS Summer Booster Trainings East River – June 1 Sioux Falls, 8:30-4 pm West River – June 7 Rapid City, Ramkota, 8:30-4 pm Bring your “display” materials 26

27 Expectations 27

28 28 ODR Forms

29 29

30 30 Rules in context or matrix

31 31 Reinforcement or Incentives

32 32 Discipline flow charts

33 33 Consequences

34 34 Structures or Procedures

35 35 Curriculum

36 36 Data Collection

37 37 Behavior plans (names removed)

38 MTSS Conference Anita Archer June 28-29 Chamberlain Cedar Shores Register & more info here: 38

39 39 Objectives Today Review data collection TFI process Behavior data submission MTSS team process checklist Summer Training New/booster MTSS Conference

40 40

41 41 Contact Information Your PBIS State Coordinators: Crystal Mengenhausen Stephanie Weideman Penny McCormick-Gilles Pat Hubert Kari Oyen

42 Resource Reminder All of the resources shared today are available at: Under the Coaches page Call or email if you have questions, we are here to help! 42

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