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Who Wants to Pass Genetics? Chapter 11. Which is a dominant genetic disorder?  A. Hemophilia  B. Galactosemia  C. Albinism  D. Achondroplasia.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants to Pass Genetics? Chapter 11. Which is a dominant genetic disorder?  A. Hemophilia  B. Galactosemia  C. Albinism  D. Achondroplasia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Wants to Pass Genetics? Chapter 11

2 Which is a dominant genetic disorder?  A. Hemophilia  B. Galactosemia  C. Albinism  D. Achondroplasia

3 Why is Down’s Syndrome called trisomy 21?  A. The syndrome results from an extra chromosome 21  B. The syndrome is caused by having 21 pairs of autosomes  C. The person has an abnormal gene on chromosome 21  D. The person has 21 pairs of chromosomes instead of 23

4 Which disorder is characterized by lack of pigment?  A. Down syndrome  B. Cystic fibrosis  C. Galactosemia  D. Albinism

5 How can the genetic disorder known as hemophilia be defined?  A. Dominant, sex-linked disorder common to females  B. Dominant,sex-linked disorder common to males  C. Recessive, sex-linked disorder common to males  D. Recessive, sex-linked disorder common to females

6 What is the genotype of a woman with red-green color blindness?  A. X b Y b  B. X b X B  C. X b Y  D. X B Y

7 What is the effect of sickle-cell anemia?  A. Susceptibility of contracting malaria  B. Blocked respiratory pathways  C. Inefficient oxygen transportation  D. Decreased neurological functions

8 What are the possible human blood types?  A. A, B, AB, O  B. A, B, O, ABi  C. A, B, ABI, i  D. A, B, ABO, O

9 What occurs when the recessive allele for no pigment masks the dominant allele for dark color in Labrador retrievers?  A. Epstein-Barr  B. Epipen  C. Epistasis  D. Epidermis

10 What is the fetal test for genetic disorders that is performed after 15 weeks of pregnancy?  A. Amniocentury  B. Amniotic membrane  C. Amniocentesis  D. Amniotic fluid

11 To what is the wide diversity of human height attributed?  A. Multiple cell cycles  B. Multiple alleles  C. Multiple chromosomes  D. Multiple births

12 White-flowered plants crossed with red- flowered plants to produce pink-flowered offspring is an example of  A. Incomplete dominance  B. Dominance  C. Complete dominance  D. Codominance

13 A person who is heterozygous for a recessive genetic disorder is called a(n)  A. Carrier  B. Carrier pigeon  C. Host  D. Allele

14 Which defines an organism that is homozygous for a trait?  A. Has two different alleles for a trait  B. Has two different genes for a trait  C. Has two of the same alleles for a trait  D. Has two of the same chromosomes for a trait

15 What is a Barr body?  A. An inactive X chromosome  B. An inactive Y chromosome  C. An incomplete X chromosome  D. An inconclusive X chromosome

16 What is a telomere?  A. A protective end cap for an allele  B. A protective end cap for a gene  C. A protective end cap for a chromosome  D. A protective end cap for a protein

17 If a child is born with type A blood, what are the possible genotypes of the child’s parents?  A. I A I A and I A i  B. I A i and I A i  C. I A i and ii  D. I A I A and ii  E. All of the above

18 What is the probability that a human sperm cell will carry an X chromosome?  A. 0 percent  B. 50 percent  C. 25 percent  D. 100 percent

19 What is the approximate probability that a human offspring will be female?  A. 10 percent  B. 25 percent  C. 50 percent  D. 75 percent

20 Which of the following are shown in a karyotype?  A. Homologous chromosomes  B. Sex chromosomes  C. Autosomes  D. All of the above

21 Traits that are produced by the interaction of several genes are said to be  A. Polygenic  B. Codominance  C. Haploid  D. diploid

22 Situation in which one allele for a gene is not completely dominant over another allele for that gene are called  A. Multiple alleles  B. Incomplete dominance  C. Codominant alleles  D. Multiple genes

23 The interaction of multiple pairs of genes are known as which type of traits?  A. Polyploidy  B. Polypeptides  C. Polygenic  D. Polygamy

24 A study of pairs of homologous chromosomes produced in a micrograph is known as  A. Amniocentesis  B. Karyotype  C. Telomere  D. Twin studies

25 Pedigree  Create a pedigree representing the following scenario: Fred has long, nose hairs. His great grandparents, Blake and Amanda are both afflicted with long, nose hairs. They had twelve children (in order) – Patton (a long, nose hair guy), Daisy (hairless, but a carrier), Mark (a long, nose hair dude), Noah, Nick, Kory, and Nate (all long, nose hairs), Abby, Kaylee, Lizzie (hairless, carriers), Timmy and Stephanie (both hairless, non-carriers). Only Kaylee and Timmy marry (not each other!). Kaylee marries Frank and they have three children (Emily, Hannah, and Harrison – only Harrison has long, nose hairs). Timmy marries Amelia and they have one child, Julie (a hairless, non-carrier). Ready set go!

26 Punnett Square  If you cross a heterozygous black stallion with a homozygous white mare, what is the probable outcome of their offspring?

27 Punnett Square 1. What are the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of a cross between a homozygous recessive blue-eyed female and a heterozygous brown-eyed male? Brown is dominant to blue. Use the letter B.

28 Punnett Square 1. What are the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of a cross between a homozygous ear-lobed female and a homozygous attached ear male? Lobed is dominant to attached. Use the letter E.

29 Punnett Square  If you cross a red rose with a white rose, what are the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of the offspring if red is dominant to white and incomplete dominance is present? Be sure to include percentages of outcomes and genotypes of male and female parents. Use the letter R.

30 Punnett Square  If you cross a purple, fire-breathing dragon (male) with a white, normal- breathing dragon (female) and incomplete dominance occurs in color and fire-breathing is dominant to normal- breathing, what are the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of the offspring? Be sure to include percentages of outcomes and genotypes of male and female parents. Use the letters B and G.

31 Punnett Square  If a father has AB blood and the mother has O, what are the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of their offspring? Be sure to include the genotypes of the parents and the percentage of the results seen. Be sure to use I or i.

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