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The Empire Strikes Back. Types of Government  The Rebel Alliance is the resistance movement motivated to form a republic.  The Galactic Empire is a.

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1 The Empire Strikes Back

2 Types of Government  The Rebel Alliance is the resistance movement motivated to form a republic.  The Galactic Empire is a absolute monarchy that is rather tyrannical.


4 Luke  He is the Student of Yoda and the son of Darth Vador  Luke is for the rebellion

5 Princess Leia  Luke’s love interest  On The Rebellion side

6 Han Solo  Friend of Chewy  Han Solo supports the Rebellion

7 Chewbacca  A Wookie from Kashyyyk and first mate of the Millennium Falcon.  Chewy prefers to support The Rebellion

8 R2D2  Is a robot who is friends with Luke  R2D2 likes The Rebellion

9 CP3O  Dies and is reassembled  He supports The Rebellion

10 Yoda  Yoda teacher Luke about the Force.  Because of how Yoda supports Luke, he does support The Rebellion

11 Lando Calrissian  Lando rescues Luke from Darth Vador after leading him into Darth Vador’s trap  Lando later joins The Rebellion

12 Obi-wan Kenobi  Is a Force ghost  Supports Luke and The Rebellion

13 Darth Vador  Luke’s Father and rival  On the side of The Empire

14 At the Planet Hoth  The movie starts on this icy planet where Luke Skywalker is knocked out and captured by a snow beast.  After Luke manages to use the force to cut himself free and kill the beast, The Empire finds their base and invades their Headquarters.  The warring sides fight an epic battle and the empire leaves; forcing The Rebellion to flee Hoth.


16 At the Planet Dagobah  Luke is separated from his love, Leia and Han Solo in the post-war chaos.  Luke sees visions of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who tells him that he needs to go to Dagobah and find Yoda to learn the ways of a Jedi.  Luke finds Yoda and learns about the force.  When Yoda teaches Luke to see the future, he sees a city in the clouds and Leia in trouble. Luke then valiantly goes to save her.


18 The City in the Clouds  Upon arrival in the City in the Clouds, Leia and Han Solo are greeted warmly by a friend. They are allowed to park their ship in his landing and stay in his home.  Little do they know the place is infested with storm troopers and Darth Vador’s fleet.  Luke is walking into a trap, and Leia, Han Solo, R2D2, CP3O, and Chewy are bait.


20 Luke, I am your father.  Luke and Darth Vador finally stand off in the ultimate light saber fight.  You never knew this before. Darth Vador is Luke’s father!  Luke loses his hand during this fight.  So Luke gets a new hand.  A shiny new bionic hand that looks so realistic.



23 Life in the Galaxy  The Galaxy is a very much war torn galaxy. With a revolution in full effect throughout Episode V, there are many small fights as well as huge fights.  This splits up families and causes father and son to fight against each other.


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