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Module Summary We will be Exploring on Christian beliefs on evil, suffering, free will, forgiveness, Satan. Reflecting on causes of human suffering. Studying.

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Presentation on theme: "Module Summary We will be Exploring on Christian beliefs on evil, suffering, free will, forgiveness, Satan. Reflecting on causes of human suffering. Studying."— Presentation transcript:


2 Module Summary We will be Exploring on Christian beliefs on evil, suffering, free will, forgiveness, Satan. Reflecting on causes of human suffering. Studying Biblical texts and the meaning of myth and symbol. Considering why a loving God would allow suffering. Investigating why Christians follow a moral Code and the role of the conscience.

3 Learning Objectives- by the end of this lesson we will have… Understood the challenge to faith the existence of suffering and evil in the world causes. Discovered how Christians perceive God and the Devil. Recognised the different types of evil that exist. Good and Evil

4 Discuss in pairs a possible definition. Examples? What is Evil?

5 Definition: Evil and suffering caused by elements in nature, disease, etc. It is NOT caused by human behaviour. Examples? Earthquakes. Hurricanes. Diseases. Droughts. Floods. Natural Evil


7 Moral Evil Definition: evil and suffering caused by human choices and behaviour. Examples? Murder. War. Genocide. Poverty. Injustice.

8 Moral Evil (Video clip) chBU&NR=1

9 Problem of Evil Read pages 68-69 on the handout. TASK: 1)Summarise the problem in one paragraph. For instance, “the problem of evil refers to……” 2)How do you explain the tragic accident on the M40 motorway? 3)How do you explain what happened from a personal perspective? 4)How can you explain what happened from a Christian's perspective?

10 Problem of Suffering Problem of suffering (if God is all-powerful, all-knowing and loving why does he let kids in Africa starve to death and Hitler kill thousands of Jews). Christian Responses Some Christians say suffering is a punishment Others say without suffering the world wouldn’t work (you wouldn’t have to be nice because no-one could suffer if you weren’t so everyone would be selfish) Others say, ‘who can know why God allows suffering.’

11 God

12 Christianity claims that the God of all things is unique in that He alone has the following divine characteristics (in no particular order): SUPREMACY The God of Judaism and Christianity is the Supreme Being. He is not merely a different type of being or a superior being but the Supreme Being. UNIQUENESS God is unique. The Bible describes Him in Greek as monogenesis, i.e., "one of a kind", "having a unique nature." ETERNALNESS He always has existed and always will exist. He had no beginning and will never cease to exist. OMNISCIENCE He knows all things. OMNIPOTENCE He is all powerful. OMNIPRESENCE He is everywhere at the same time. SELF-EXISTENT God is the only thing that had no beginning, that was not created by something else. HOLINESS Holy means pure, undefiled. TRIUNE NATURE The one God is a single "trinity" consisting of three distinct "persons": –FATHER –JESUS - often referred to as the Son or "the Word of God" –THE HOLY SPIRIT



15 Devil Some Christians the Devil is a real being Others say he is a representation of evil. In the Adam and Eve story, evil is symbolically represented by the serprent.


17 Key Question Is it easier to blame a force of evil than to face up to our own shortcomings?

18 GCSE Exam Questions examples a)Describe Christian beliefs about God and the Devil (8) b)Explain how these might help people who are suffering. (7) c)‘If God really was good then people would not suffer’. (5) Do you agree? Refer to Christianity in your answer.

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