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SensesSenses Objective 4-5. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) All nerves not in the brain or spinal cord Two divisions: –Somatic –Autonomic Sympathetic.

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Presentation on theme: "SensesSenses Objective 4-5. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) All nerves not in the brain or spinal cord Two divisions: –Somatic –Autonomic Sympathetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 SensesSenses Objective 4-5


3 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) All nerves not in the brain or spinal cord Two divisions: –Somatic –Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic

4 Sensory Organs Clusters of specialized nerves 1.Eyes - photoreceptors 2.Ears - mechanoreceptors 3.Skin – mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and pain receptors 4.Tongue - chemoreceptors 5.Nose - chemoreceptors

5 Eye Choroid Retina Blood vessels Optic nerve Fovea Vitreous humor Sclera Ligaments Iris Pupil Cornea Aqueous humor Lens Muscle

6 Ear Auditory canal Tympanum Round windowEustachian tube Bone Cochlea Cochlear nerve Semicircular canals Oval window Stirrup Anvil Hammer

7 Skin mechanoreceptors, pain receptors and thermoreceptors Spread all over the skin Sensory clusters in lips and hands

8 Tongue Taste buds taste Each bud has the ability to taste: 1.Bitter 2.Sour 3.Salty 4.Sweet 5.Savory (Umami)

9 Nose/Mouth Cerebral cortex Nasal cavity Taste bud Smell sensory area Taste sensory area Thalamus Olfactory (smell) bulb Olfactory nerve Smell receptor Taste pore Taste receptor Sensory nerve fibers

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