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African American Poets and the Alabama Virtual Library An introduction to Databases on the AVL and Great African American Poets.

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2 African American Poets and the Alabama Virtual Library An introduction to Databases on the AVL and Great African American Poets

3 Introduction  April is National Poetry Month.  Your English class has been studying poetry.  The Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) is a wonderful source for examining poets and poetry.

4 Objectives  You will  demonstrate the ability to locate, analyze, and comprehend information using AVL databases.  use online information to answer questions about African American poets.  design a report to present to the class highlighting the African American poet studied.

5 Campus & Library  Click Campus & Library Middle School  Scroll down and click Middle School Poem Finder  Click on Poem Finder Database Table of Contents  Click on Table of Contents Authors  Scroll down and click on Authors letter of alphabet  Click on letter of alphabet which coincides with first letter of author’s last name click on his name  Scroll down, locate your African American poet and click on his name

6 You’re ready!

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