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Persuasive essays What makes these good introductions?

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1 Persuasive essays What makes these good introductions?

2 Intros and hooks The truth is, when you write an essay, you’ve got a single sentence to hook – or grab – your readers’ attention. Not a paragraph. Not an entire essay. Not even, in most cases, two sentences. Like it or not, you’ve got one sentence.

3 Your intro should include: Hook Background information on your topic – what do we need to know about it to understand your argument Why is it a controversy? What are the two sides? State your claim Use FORMAL LANGUAGE – no “I” or “you” or “we”

4 Sample intro: Hook – pull your reader in According to AAA Foundation, teens between the ages of sixteen and eighteen have the highest accident rate of any drivers on the road (Tefft 5). Explain the problem – why is your issue an issue? Being able to drive is one of the things teens look forward to the most. So when a teen gets to take drivers ed. and finally gets his license, it seems heaven sent. He can drive to sports practice and work, adding to his independence. But, unfortunately, it can also be deadly. Give background / historical information about your issue. Young drivers are inexperienced. They can also be easily distracted by things inside and outside of the car. As a result, quite a few teens get into accidents, many of them serious. Illustrate or give an example if appropriate The years between sixteen and twenty are the most dangerous. The death rate among teen drivers is three times that of even drivers in their twenties (Tefft 6). Transition – relate your example to your thesis/claim Because of this dramatic increase in accidents and deaths among young drivers, some lawmakers are advocating an increase in the driving age. End with your thesis/claim Teens should not be able to get their driver’s licenses until they are eighteen. Don’t use “I” or “you” – keep language formal


6 Start by explaining the problem Many parents give their children allowances. It can be a good thing, teaching kids how to be responsible and how to save money. Some parents give them allowances unless they get into trouble. And some only give their kids allowances if they do their chores. Other parents don’t believe kids should be given an allowance for any reason. Kids should get allowances but only if they do chores.

7 Start with a humerous statement – in this case exaggeration It seems like some kids get allowances from their parents just for staying alive! In the real world, it’s not that easy. People don’t get paid just for showing up at work. They have to actually do their jobs and earn the money. Parents who give allowance for chores or helping out have the right idea about preparing their kids for the future.

8 Or inform your reader The common 16 year old in the U.S. has a car for multiple uses, but some think that 16 is too young. A 16 year old uses a car to get to work, the store and to visit family. A car can be used to travel and can teach responsibility to some. There are a few who are irresponsible but very few of them get in accidents. Most 16 year olds should be able to drive.

9 Start with a personal twist Being able to drive is one of the things teens look forward to the most. So when a teen gets to take drivers ed. and finally gets his license, it seems heaven sent. He can drive to sports practice and work, adding to his independence. But quite a few teens get into serious accidents, which reinforces the idea that 16 is too young for kids to drive. Teens aren’t mature enough to handle the responsibility or danger of driving a car. While it would be convenient for kids to have a car to use, sixteen is too young to drive.

10 Start with a question Raise the driving age? That crazy idea is getting more and more support in the fight to save the lives of teenage drivers — the most dangerous on the USA's roads — and their passengers. 37% of fatal accidents on the roads each year are caused by a teen driver. Are they too immature to drive? Or do teens need cars to get to work and school, learning responsibility along the way? To protect our youth, the driving age should be raised to 18.

11 Against Standardized Testing People with money want We don’t have the facts Data is scewed.

12 Should Cell phones be allowed in schools? Yes Emergencies Only answer certain calls Use phones for educational reasons Checking the time Can keep kids quiet w/music No Distracting Can be used for cheating Can distract the teachers Can be stolen

13 Should cell phones be allowed in school yes In case of emergency For calling parents after school In case you need something They can be useful To listen to music Can use them to tape lessons Spellcheck Typing into them Pictures of homework no Distracting Cheating Could be stolen

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