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Cooperation Between Standards Bodies and Universities; An Update Mr. Andry Ridhya Prihikmat BSN (National Standardization Agency, Indonesia)

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperation Between Standards Bodies and Universities; An Update Mr. Andry Ridhya Prihikmat BSN (National Standardization Agency, Indonesia)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperation Between Standards Bodies and Universities; An Update Mr. Andry Ridhya Prihikmat BSN (National Standardization Agency, Indonesia) Email :

2 Map of Distribution for Standard Education 4.IPB 8.UNY 1.UNDIP 6.UB 3.UNHAS 2.UNLAM 7.ITB 9.UNS 5.UGM 10.USU 11.UNSRI 18.UNUD 13.UNAS 12.UI 14.USAKTI 15.UII 17.UBAYA 19.UNRI 21.UNTAN 22.UNPAR 20.UNIKA 23.UNSRAT 16.ITS 28.UNMUL 25. UNINDRA27.UAJY 24.UMM26.UNPAD 30. UNCEN 29. UNRAM 31. ITI 32. UPN Jakarta New in 2015 33. UPS MoU34 Universities Undergraduate12 Universities Graduate4 universities 34. UNSOED

3 Development of Standards SE in Indonesia (2006 – 2015)  Development of standard education in Indonesia began in 2005. The primary initiative started from University of Diponegoro (UNDIP) majoring in Industrial Engineering.  During 2006 to 2015, there were several activities to promote standard education in cooperation with Universities. Those activities comprise: 1.BSN Strategy Implementation Plan in Standard Education 2.Developing text book : Introduction of standardization and provide teaching materials on standardization 3.Training of Trainer for lecturers 4.General lectures on standardization for students 5.Student s visit to BSN to understand what BSN does 6.Guest lectures given by BSN officials or experts of Technical committee to Universities 7.Student internship at BSN 8.Workshop to support standard education 9. Revising textbook for standardization course (2 nd edition, 2014) 10.Up to 2015, BSN has signed MOU with 34 universities on the cooperation to develop standard education 11.Establishing national network /forum for lecturers and students 12.Developing Distance Learning System on standardization

4 From 34 MoU with Universities: 12 universities have implemented Standard Education for undergraduate program; 2 universities have implemented standard education for graduate program, majoring in: a.Magister Management on Quality and Standardization  Trisakti University b.Master Program on Industrial Management and Engineering  Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) In 2014, two Indonesian students have completed post- graduate program majoring in standardization: a.1 Doctor from Technical University of Berlin b.1 Master from University of Geneve Standard Education at University

5 During 2006-2015, Indonesia has also participated in several activities regarding promotion of standard education at regional and international level, Those activities include: 1.Research and text book development on Standardization in Companies and Market sponsored by Europe Aid Cooperation –Asia Link. 2.Co-sponsoring in APEC Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) Strategic Education Program. Five Education guidelines have been developed and published. Two universities in Indonesia, were selected as pilot implementation of those guidelines. 3.Co-sponsoring in APEC SCSC Project: Inspiring Next Generation of Standards Professional Development. 4.Enhancing international networking, by actively participated in yearly meeting of International Cooperation on Education about Standardization (ICES), World Standard Cooperation-Academic Day (ISO, IEC, ITU), and APEC SCSC meeting. 5.BSN also contributed in ISO Publication, Teaching Standards, published in 2014 Indonesia’s Participation of Standard Education in Regional and International

6 Lesson Learned 1.Exchange of information and experiences, allowing NSBs and universities to take advantage of ideas and approaches followed in other countries 2.Development and sharing of teaching materials 3.Development of extended, across-the-border, pools of experts 4.Helping to enrich national events and initiatives bringing an international dimension 5.Facilitating the establishment of university networks (providing additional opportunities for students and academicians and increasing the attractiveness of Standards Education in universities) Source: Teaching Standards, ISO, 2014

7 ISO Webex : New Methods in Teaching Standards ISO Webex is a tool provided by ISO for member countries to conduct web-based meeting Benefits : 1.It is easy to schedule, host, or join a WebEx web conference no matter where we are – from our desktop, laptop or smartphone 2.Including the ability to easily share documents, presentations, or applications 3.Accessing a record of your meeting Source :

8 Pilot Implementation UNSRI UNS UBAYA UGM IPB UB

9 No.UniversityDateCourses 1.Sriwijaya University23rd March 2015Metrology 2.Sebelas Maret University10th April 2015Introduction of standardization 3.Gadjah Mada University22nd April 2015Metrology 4.Surabaya University28th April 2015Implementation of standards 5.Brawijaya University30th April 2015Implementation of standards 6.Bogor Agricultural University26th May 2015Conformity Assesment Pilot Implementation (ctd)

10 Future Plans Integrating ISO Webex and BSN’s Distance Learning System ( Training of Trainers for lecturers on standards education using ISO Webex Creating qualification for lecturers on standards education Conducting professional training on standardization for fresh graduates

11 Thank You... Kamsahamnida... Youtube: SNI.BSN Twitter: @bsn_sni Facebook: Badan Standardisasi Nasional Website : Division of Education and Training for Standardization

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