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CLinking Workshop. Where are we in the Mapping Process?

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Presentation on theme: "CLinking Workshop. Where are we in the Mapping Process?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLinking Workshop

2 Where are we in the Mapping Process?

3 What is the Clinking Process? Classifing Course (Foundational, Specialized, Integrational) Linking course outcomes to standards Characterizing relationship of outcomes to achieving standard Validating – proofing input and verifying data

4 Why do CLinking?  Capture the current relationship of all courses within a program of study to: Ontario College Program Standards (MTCU) relevant external standards (i.e.. CON), Essential Employability Skills.  Develop the Course Mapping Matrix (CMM)  Provide evidence that the program meet standards

5 Course Mapping Matrix

6 Course Mapping Matrix Charts

7  The CMM will be a significant element of the Report completed at the end of Phase II of the Mohawk College Mapping Process.  Analysis and report for PN will be developed during May/June 2006 in collaboration with PN mapping team.  This report will inform the development of a Program Quality Enhancement Plan in Phase III. Course Mapping Matrix (CMM)


9 In the Analysis phase, classification will help mapping teams examine: sequencing of courses in POS, progression and reinforcement of learning throughout entire POS. Classification

10 Classify your course as... FOUNDATIONAL (F): learner acquires broad introduction to and/or context for further learning. SPECIALIZED (S): learner achieves in-depth and/or focused learning. INTEGRATIONAL (I): learner synthesizes numerous concepts and processes at a program exit level.

11 Hints for Classifying Consider Bloom’s level of verbs in the course learning outcomes. Consider level of learning student is expected to demonstrate in assessments.

12 Classification on the Translator


14 Determine whether or not the Learning Outcome and associated Learning Elements link to any Vocational Standards and associated Elements of Performance. A link is established when the performance described in the Course Learning Outcome contributes to a learner’s ability to achieve the graduate level performance. Linking to Vocational Standards

15 Carefully consider one Vocational Standard statement at a time, along with its associated Elements of Performance. Consider all Vocational Standards before linking your outcome(s). Establish a link only if the Vocational Standard is explicitly addressed in the course. (Do you teach it?) Establish a link only if the learner’s performance of the LO is assessed in the course and assigned a grade. (Do you mark it?) Linking to Vocational Standards

16 Some courses, notably field placement or capstone courses, may link to several Vocational Standards (VS). Some courses may not associate clearly with a VS. That’s OK. The role of these unlinked courses in the program will be considered in the analysis phase of the Mohawk College mapping process. Linking to Vocational Standards


18 In Step 2, you identified individual LO that link to specific VS. In Step 3, you determine how you would characterize that relationship by assigning value of 1 - 4 to each link. This number represents the degree to which the learner performance at the end of the course contributes to the graduate performance described in the VS. Characterization of Links

19 4very significant degree 3significant degree 2moderate degree 1minor degree It is important to recognize that outcomes characterized as “contributing to a minor degree” are as essential to the learning process as those characterized as “contributing to a very significant degree”. Characterization of Links

20 Remember that Vocational Standards describe complex role performances at the graduate level. A careful review of the Elements of Performance may help you accurately characterize the outcome. Learning Outcome statements describe performances that lead gradually to the learner’s ability to achieve the graduate level Vocational Standards.

21 1 Those learning outcomes contribute to graduate performance to a minor degree are classified at as a 1. These may provide the foundation upon which the learner continually and gradually builds skills. Graduate Performance of Vocational Standards 4 Learning outcomes that contribute to graduate performance to a very significant degree tend to appear more frequently toward the end of the POS, especially in Integrational and Specialized Courses. 3 2 Characterization takes into account the whole bag of skills, aka Vocational Standards, the graduate must possess for an entry level job.

22 Depending on the program, the pattern of characterizations could be very different (i.e. a one year certificate vs a post graduate certificate. 1 & 2 3 4 3 4

23 In what semester is this course delivered? How is this course classified? Foundational? Specialized? Integrated? To what depth do I assess this learning outcome? Do I assess it? At what level of Bloom’s is the outcome being accomplished? To what degree does this outcome contribute to the graduate’s ability to do their job? To what degree does this outcome contribute to the graduate’s ability to accomplish this standard? Do not force linking!

24 CLinking on the Translator


26 The characterizations will contribute to the representation of the entire program produced by the Curriculum Mapping Matrix. The CMM is expected to include a range of course level learning outcomes. Characterization of Links


28 Review the Essential Employability Skills defined in Ontario college policy. These skills are normally embedded in courses. Essential Employability Skills include: Communication Numeracy Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Information Management Interpersonal Personal CLinking to Essential Employability Skills

29 Do any of your Course Learning Outcomes specifically address Essential Employability Skills (EES)? Remember, a link is established when the performance described in the Course Learning Outcome contributes to a learner’s ability to achieve the graduate level performance of the Essential Employability Skill. Establish a link only if the Essential Employability Skill is explicitly addressed in the course. (Do you teach it?) Establish a link only if the learner’s performance of the LO is assessed in the course and assigned a grade. (Do you mark it?) CLinking to Essential Employability Skills

30 Characterize the relationship between the LO and the EES by establishing the degree to which it contributes to graduate level performance: 4very significant degree 3significant degree 2moderate degree 1minor degree Note that you are linking the LO to the EE, not linking the EE to the VS. CLinking to Essential Employability Skills


32 Review External Standards (when available) to establish the links and characterizations represented by the Course Learning Outcomes. CLinking to External Standards

33 Step 7 SAVE YOUR CLinks !

34 Please use the following naming convention: CLprogramcode-coursecode. Example: Social Service Worker Program code = 215 Save CLinking Worksheet for Social Work Documentation,SO233, as CL215-SO233.doc.

35 Please send the file as an attachment to a FRED or e-mail message to your LE Project Facilitator(s) or designated support staff member in your program area

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