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Duquesne University Tommy Senneway Period 1 Physical Therapy.

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Presentation on theme: "Duquesne University Tommy Senneway Period 1 Physical Therapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duquesne University Tommy Senneway Period 1 Physical Therapy

2 Why Important Close location to home Family legacy Test my knowledge I can keep working through college I can do cross country

3 Required Test Scores Majority of freshman: 500 and 599 in Math portion of the SAT. Majority of freshman: 500 and 599 on the verbal portion of the SAT Majority of freshman scored between 24 and 29 on the ACT.

4 Total Cost Total cost of college – $35,368Total cost of college – $35,368 Total cost minus room and board- $26,480Total cost minus room and board- $26,480 Average financial aid- $16,069Average financial aid- $16,069

5 Programs Athletic Training Program Commuting Program Physical Therapy Program

6 Sports/Campus Life Cross Country Large variety of sports, most scholarship available Housing suits individual’s needs with every type of housing.

7 Career Connect Offers individual job placement for undergraduate students Offers internships and part-time classes so students can keep working throughout college.

8 College Essay Tell us something unique about you, why you chose your particular major, and how you expect Duquesne Alumni to help you achieve academic, personal goals. Minimum of 300 words

9 5 Questions Classes have average of 10 students There are restaurants within the city of Pittsburgh that students may walk to Catholic school, university chapel located in back of campus It is located inside of Pittsburgh Freshman are permitted a car on campus because some commute

10 Is This Career For You? I am a “helper” Use my skills to the best of their ability Making a difference in people’s lives

11 Career Physical Therapist Work with patients to get back to daily lives. Organize routines for patient recovery Use equipment specialized for specific muscle groups

12 3 Skills Reading Comprehension Active Listening Time Management

13 What to Learn Anatomy, Physics, and Biology Pre Calculus Ten week to two year program. (usually a technical program)

14 Money and Outlook Entry Level Wage – $18.41 Experienced Level Wage - $30.68 Increasing – 22% 67 job openings in Pennsylvania Growth – Faster than average

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