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UniDo EPICS Meeting 2003 Status of the DELTA Control System Elke Kasel June 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "UniDo EPICS Meeting 2003 Status of the DELTA Control System Elke Kasel June 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 UniDo EPICS Meeting 2003 Status of the DELTA Control System Elke Kasel June 2003

2 UniDo Elke Kasel Status of DELTA 2 Accelerator Complex Energy 1.5 GeV Circumference 115.2 m Beam Current 150 mA Lifetime 6 h @100 mA Insertion Devices 3 Number of Beamlines 12 (not all equipped) Start of User-Operation 3/1999

3 UniDo Elke Kasel Status of DELTA 3 The Control System Version of EPICS: Release 3.13.6 Number of VME-IOCs: 25 (most PPC) +4 Testbed VME-IOCs +2 Beamline VME-IOCs +7 Linux-PCs +3 Windows PCs +1 HP-Workstation Number of EPICS records: 8490

4 UniDo Elke Kasel Status of DELTA 4 Controls Design „official“ EPICS extensions are not used (currently) Fields of our own work

5 UniDo Elke Kasel Status of DELTA 5 Beamline Control 2 Beamlines in use: –BL5 [Undulator] (FZ Jülich) Labview on Mac –BL9 [Wiggler] (Univ Dortmund) Spectra (from Hasylab) on Linux 2 Beamlines under construction: –BL11 [Undulator] (Univ Dortmund) EPICS on Linux PC and VME (build by COSYLab) –BL12 - TGM3 [Dipol] (Univ Dortmund) EPICS on VME 2 Beamlines currently being designed

6 UniDo Elke Kasel Status of DELTA 6 Human Resources 1 permanent „Group“-Leader 1 permanent Technician (Hardware Installation, Network) Control GROUP? (two gone and one going to leave at the end of this year) 3 PhD Students (two gone and one going to leave at the end of this year)

7 UniDo Elke Kasel Status of DELTA 7 Future Plans consolidate status quo (accelerator control) integration of beamlines (provide machine information via EPICS for beamlines) migrate controls of insertion devices to EPICS –U250-Undulator: old DELTA system –U55-Undulator: Labview on Windows –SAW-Wiggler: Labview on Windows

8 UniDo Elke Kasel Status of DELTA 8 The End

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