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Регионален Астрономически Център за Изследвания и Образование ( РАЦИО ) Regional Astronomical Center for Research and Education (RACIO) ShU BAS SU.

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Presentation on theme: "Регионален Астрономически Център за Изследвания и Образование ( РАЦИО ) Regional Astronomical Center for Research and Education (RACIO) ShU BAS SU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Регионален Астрономически Център за Изследвания и Образование ( РАЦИО ) Regional Astronomical Center for Research and Education (RACIO) ShU BAS SU

2 Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia http://www.phys.uni- /~astro Valeri Golev Head of the Department of Astronomy

3 St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia ( - the largest institution of higher education in Bulgaria. - the second center for scientific research after Bulgarian Academy of Science. http://www.uni-sofia.bg

4 St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia First Bulgarian University First Bulgarian University (since 1888) (since 1888) Astronomy Teaching Astronomy Teaching (since 1890) (since 1890) First Bulgarian Observatory First Bulgarian Observatory (since 1894) Bulgarian impact in the Natural Sciences (refereed papers) BAS about 65 % SU about 33% SU about 33% Tight collaboration between BAS and SU

5 We are here…

6 At present the permanent staff of the Department numbers 15 professors, researchers and technical assistants. The majority of the staff is involved in various cutting-edge research projects at both national (mainly with the Institute of Astronomy and the National Astronomical Observatory) and international levels. The Staff…

7 Faculty of Physics 13 departments 13 departments 2 Centers 2 Centers 2 Technological 2 TechnologicalLaboratories Astronomical AstronomicalObservatory We are part of…

8 Innovation Experience An illustrative example: First Astronomical CCD camera on-board of the Mir Space Station (Participation in the mission of 2 nd Bulgarian Manned Fly in 1988) A joint team (IA and Astronomy Department) leaded by Space Science Institute of BAS build this camera in the University’s Observatory

9 Up to date the Department is the only one responsible for the higher education of all three University’s levels (BS, MSc and PhD) in the field of astronomy and astrophysics in Bulgaria. The annual graduation rate of students from the Department is: 5-10 BS, 5 MSc and 1 PhD.

10 Alumni careers An illustrative example: An illustrative example: Dr. Ivan Valtchanov Instrument and Calibration Scientist for one of the Herschel Space Observatory instruments - the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) MS in the Department of Astronomy MS in the Department of Astronomy Staff member in the Institute of Astronomy of BAS Staff member in the Institute of Astronomy of BAS PhD in CEA, Paris PhD in CEA, Paris Postdoc in Imperial College, London Postdoc in Imperial College, London ESA scientist (Herschel) ESA scientist (Herschel)

11 Using students' natural enthusiasm for space and astronomy to create innovative learning experiences for imaginative young minds and focusing the way teachers teach and students learn, our goal is to create the next generation of explorers. by favouring a positive learning experiences; by favouring a positive learning experiences; by stimulating a long-term interest in astronomy and astrophysics; and by stimulating a long-term interest in astronomy and astrophysics; and by motivating them to pursue careers in these fields. by motivating them to pursue careers in these fields. Our main care…


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