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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 WWI.

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4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 WWI

6 proposed an alliance with Mexico A 100

7 Zimmermann telegram A 100

8 US President during WWI A 200

9 Woodrow Wilson A 200

10 Extreme thinking that your country was better than others A 300

11 Nationalism A 300

12 The policy of building up strong armed forces A 400

13 Militarism A 400

14 Countries sought out colonies and natural resources through this policy A 500

15 imperialism A 500

16 His death was the spark that started WWI B 100

17 Archduke Franz Ferdinand B 100

18 B 200 Franz’s wife’s name

19 Sophie B 200

20 Gavrillo Princip was a member of this organization B 300

21 The black hand B 300

22 City where Franz Ferdinand was shot B 400

23 Sarejevo B 400

24 Russia made German angry when they _______________ their armed forces to get ready for a conflict. B 500

25 mobilized B 500

26 German word for emperor C 100

27 kaiser C 100

28 This side included GB and France C 200

29 The Allies C 200

30 GB, France and _____________ made up the Allies C 300

31 Russia C 300


33 Germany was a member of the ___________________ C 400

34 Central powers C 400

35 Type of warfare during WWI C 500

36 Trench Warfare C 500

37 The area between the trenches D 100

38 No mans land D 100

39 When neither side is strong enough to win D 200

40 stalemate D 200

41 The sinking of this ship angered many Americans and got us closer to war D 300

42 Lusitania D 300

43 Germans used these to try to blockade Britain D 400

44 U-Boats D 400

45 The spreading of ideas and beliefs that help a cause D 500

46 propaganda D 500

47 The US sold these to raise money for the war effort E 100

48 bonds E 100

49 This organization told factories what to make E 200

50 War industries board E 200

51 The Bolsheviks were led by this man E 300

52 Lenin E 300

53 The treaty of Brest-Litovsk was between these two countries E 400

54 Russia and Germany E 400

55 This group of African Americans saw more time at the front than any other group of Americans E 500

56 Harlem Hell Fighters E 500

57 An agreement to stop fighting F 100

58 An armistice F 100

59 Wilson’s plan for peace F 200

60 Fourteen points F 200

61 National groups had the right to their own territory and government F 300

62 Self determination F 300

63 Its job would be to protect the independence of all countries F 400

64 League of nations F 400

65 Germany had to pay these after the war F 500

66 reparations F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: WWI Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 This treaty changed what Europe looked like after the war Click on screen to continue

69 The Treaty of Versailles Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By Mr. Dixon

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